


美式发音: [ɪɡˈzædʒəˌreɪt] 英式发音: [ɪɡˈzædʒəreɪt]



第三人称单数:exaggerates  现在分词:exaggerating  过去式:exaggerated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.exaggerate importance,exaggerate problem,exaggerate significance,exaggerate size,exaggerate difficulty


v.overstate,overstress,embelpsh,embroider,make a mountain out of a molehill



1.夸张;夸大;言过其实to make sth seem larger, better, worse or more important than it really is

The hotel was really filthy and I'm not exaggerating.我不是夸张,这旅店真的很脏。

He tends to exaggerate the difficulties.他往往夸大困难。

I'm sure he exaggerates his Irish accent(= tries to sound more Irish than he really is) .我肯定他故意把爱尔兰口音说得很重。

Demand for the product has been greatly exaggerated.对这项产品的需求给过分夸大了。


v.1.to describe something in a way that makes it seem better, worse, larger, more important, etc. than it really is2.to make something seem more extreme

1.夸张 external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的 exaggerate v. 夸大,夸张 evil a. 邪恶的,坏的 ...

2.夸大 [alarmed; flurred] 惊慌;慌张 [exaggerate] 夸大;显耀 [extremely frivolous] 猖狂;轻狂 ...

3.夸大,夸张 regulate vt. 管理,调节 311. exaggerate v. 夸大,夸张 313. evil a. 邪恶的,坏的 314. ...

4.使增大 5. shouting match 大声嚷嚷的争吵 6. exaggerate 夸张,使增大 7. natural 不做作的,自然的 ...

5.扩大 Shaft 箭杆,矛柄 Exaggerate 扩大,夸张 Figurine 小雕像 ...

6.言过其实 -Susan:What? 什么?! exaggerate: 夸大,言过其实 lean back: (使)向后仰 ...

7.夸张,夸大 出色;美好〖 fine〗 夸张,夸大exaggerate;magnify〗 胜过〖 surpass〗 ...


1.Exaggerate a component more or less though one is only for a short time humorous, but absolute fault an empty hole invites the wind.虽然只是一个小幽默,多少有些夸张成分,但绝对不是空穴来风。

2.It is hard to exaggerate the importance to Korean pfe of kimchi, which is usually made of fermented cabbage.很难夸大泡菜对于韩国人生活的重要性,而泡菜通常是由洋白菜发酵后制成的。

3.It's hard to exaggerate how much economic trouble we're in.很难再夸大我们面对的经济问题有多大。

4.exaggerate, Hassan, "I said, loving him for it. "“你太夸张了,哈桑。”我说,不过很高兴他这么认为。

5.Margaret Thatcher did exaggerate a bit, but she was essentially right when she said that "Reagan won the cold war without firing a shot. "玛格丽特.撒切尔说得有些夸张,但她说的那句“里根不费一枪一弹赢得了冷战”是切中要害的。

6.Israel tends to exaggerate for American consumption the extent to which Iran is the puppet master of Hamas and Hizbullah.为了满足美国人的口味,以色列倾向于夸大伊朗对哈马斯和真主党的操纵。

7.It's true I sometimes can exaggerate things and can be misunderstood, but I prefer to be honest and allow people to see the true me.的确有些时候我会夸大某些事情并让人产生误会,但我更愿意向人们展示我真实的一面,这样能够让人们看到真实的我。

8.Like a matter calpgrapher, sometimes, and he needs to exaggerate the thickness or thinness of a stroke, elaborately straighten or curve it.一位书法家有时要夸张某个字的一个笔画的粗细,将其故意拉直或卷曲。

9.She did not exaggerate about the height of the tower.她没有把塔的高度夸大。

10.where the country's electoral system tends to exaggerate the majority of the winning party and therefore create a clear winner.英国的选举体系往往会扩大获胜政党的大多数选票,因而产生出一个明确的赢家。