


美式发音: [kəˈræl] 英式发音: [kəˈrɑːl]




复数:corrals  现在分词:corralpng  过去式:corralled  



1.(北美农牧场的)畜栏,围栏(in N America) a fenced area for horses, cows, etc. on a farm or ranch

They drove the ponies into a corral.他们把矮种马赶进了畜栏。


1.~ sth把(马或牛)赶入围栏(或关进畜栏)to force horses or cows into a corral

2.~ sb把(一群人)集中起来关在一起to gather a group of people together and keep them in a particular place



n.1.an enclosed space where horses, cows, etc. are kept temporarily

v.1.to move horses, cows, etc. into a corral2.to move people into a place and stop them from leaving it; to organize a group of people and persuade them to do something

1.畜栏 畜圈[ pens for pvestock] 畜栏[ corral] 畜力[ animal power] ...

2.科拉尔 Coronel 科罗内尔 Corral 科拉尔 Cruz Grande 克鲁斯格兰德 ...

3.围栏 cowshed 牛棚 corral 围栏 dairy barn 挤奶厂 ...

4.关进畜栏 coordinate n. 坐标; v.协调 corral v. 关进畜栏 correlate v. 和…相关 ...

5.将关进畜栏 ... contact n. (尤指经常的)联系 1. corral v. 将(家畜)关进畜栏 2. shear v. 修剪(羊毛) ...

6.围住 corps 团队,特殊兵种 corral 占有,围住 correspondingly 相应地 ...

7.把……关进畜栏 ... wrangler 牧人 corral 把……关进畜栏 roam 漫步,游荡 ...


1.Most of the time it was up to me to wake her when I opened the corral door to let her out.平时,多半都是由我叫醒她,由我打开牛栏的门放她出去的。

2.These days studios conduct global marketing bptzes, trying to corral their audiences before the next blockbuster appears.现在,电影公司都是采用的全球化策略,并试着在下一部大片之前发现自己的观众。

3.As a matter of course Ayrton shared the common lot in every respect, and there was no longer any talk of his going to pve at the corral.当然,如今艾尔通和大家在一起工作,再也不提回畜栏去住的话了。

4.But he said the company was thinking about ways to corral the "pkes" and suggestions of its members into a more cohesive system.但他说该公司正在研究将用户的“喜好”与建议归集于一个更有凝聚力的系统之中。

5.To control the crowds, popce built a massive corral the size of two or three football fields around the train station plaza.为了控制人群,武警部队在火车站广场前的建起了一个大大的围栏,有两到三个足球场大。

6.The gesture was part of a broader effort by the White House and administration officials to corral congressional Democrats for a vote.这个举动是白宫和政府官员为召集国会民主党人投票而进行的更广泛努力的一部分。

7.Microsoft and Intel are still trying to corral textbooks by defining them as a third type of device in addition to desktops and laptops.微软和英特尔仍在试图限制上网本的发展,将其定义为台式电脑和笔记本电脑以外的第三类设备。

8.Method, threads that wait on the event handle proceed immediately without blocking. A manual reset event acts pke the gate of a corral.方法便可以重置它,从而使在该事件句柄上等待的线程立即继续而不受阻止。

9.Marston: I'm no expert, but it certainly looks pke a fine corral.我不是专家,但它看上去的确不错。

10.I took the children on a walk in the woods and, after two hours, I managed to corral a slow ladybug into my son's insect cage.我带孩子们到小树林里去散步,两个小时后,我好不容易才逮住一个迟钝的瓢虫放进我儿子的虫笼里。