


美式发音: [brʌntʃ] 英式发音: [brʌntʃ]






1.早午餐(早午两餐并作一餐)a meal that you eat in the late morning as a combination of breakfast and lunch


n.1.a meal that combines breakfast and lunch and is usually served in the late morning

1.早午餐 brown n. 褐色,棕色 brunch n. 早午饭(晚早饭) brush v. 刷;擦 ...

3.早中饭 dinner 晚饭 brunch 早中饭 buffet 自助餐 ...

4.早中餐 brown goods 茶色商品 brunch 便餐,早午茶 bubble economy 泡沫经济 ...

6.早午餐店 of or relating to intuitionism. 属于或关于直觉主义。 brunch 早午餐;晚早餐 dairy 牛奶厂;乳品 …


1.Famipes may try to still mom's busy hands by serving her a homemade breakfast in bed or taking her to a nice restaurant for brunch.家庭成员们会停下母亲忙碌的双手,为她准备一份自制的早餐在床上享用,或是带她去一家高档餐馆吃早午餐。

2.After having brunch, I continued to put into the questions in the biology final test paper about grade seven.吃过早午餐之后,我继续将七年级生物的期末考试题输进电脑中去。

3.I said "Maybelle, you get brunch. I'm staying here. " I stayed with him that night, but he never woke up.我说“梅比莉,你去吃饭吧,我要留在这儿。”我陪阿森纽斯呆了一夜,但是他再也没有醒来。

4.I started off wandering in king's road, had brunch with my aunt, then do a bit of furniture hunting around the area.我以游荡在英皇道开始,与我阿姨吃早午餐,然后在附近一带淘家具。

5.You could, conversely, serve a brunch any time of the year, or host lunches or dinners with simple casseroles or main dishes.你可以反过来说,服务早午餐因此全年任何时候,或东道国午餐或晚餐简单砂锅或主要菜肴。

6.This is an brilpant start for a Sunny sunday and a relaxing ending of a weekend. Especially with my lovely brunch. Bon appetit! !这是个很棒的周日起点,也是个轻松的周末终点,特别是配著我的可口早午餐~祝胃口大开!!

7.I wonder if Nate remembered brunch. It would be so wrong for meto show up without my boyfriend whom I love and who loves me.我担心Nate会忘记午餐会若无男友相伴光我一人出席可就太逊了我那个亲爱的并且也爱我的他

8.Sit in a booth at your favorite diner or brunch spot and pnger longer than you normally would, chatting over a few extra cups of coffee.在你们最喜欢的餐馆或早午餐店,比平时呆得久点,聊聊天喝多几杯咖啡。

9.Blair? actually, no, not that pleased, Which is why I'm going to talk to her. Well just be back in time for brunch, okay?布莱尔?,事实上,她并不开心,所以我要去跟她谈谈。记住按时回来去餐会,知道吗?。

10.I'm busy that afternoon. Why don't you and I get together for brunch next week instead ?让我想想,那天下午我没空。要不下周一起吃饭吧?