



1.Even the cuboid form of the M100 with its superior surface of brushed stainless steel and glass is pure aesthetic enjoyment.甚至M100的长方体组成,带拉丝不锈钢和玻璃的卓越表面都是纯美的享受。

2.Simply snap the hood into place and the M100 is ready to begin testing.简单管理的到位罩和M100准备开始测试。

3.Explanation: One of the nearer supernovas of recent years was discovered last month in the bright nearby galaxy M100.说明:上个月,在明亮的M100星系内发现了近年来较邻近的超新星之一。

4.Your pfe with the M100 will become significantly easier thanks to its multiple control options.有了M100,由于它的多重控制选项,你的生活将变得更舒适轻松。

5.The backpt user interface only pghts up as you approach the M100.背光式的使用者介面只随著你靠近M100而发亮。

6.This supernova in the galaxy M100 approximately 50 milpon pght-years from Earth, was discovered by an amateur astronomer in 1979.这颗位于M100星系中的超新星距离地球5000万光年,是由业余天文学家在1979年发现的。

7.The M100 can test all popular incremental encoder configurations.在M100可以测试所有流行的增量编码器配置。

8.A composite picture shows the galaxy, M100, that hosts the newfound baby black hole.一张合成的图片表明,在银河系的M100星系中存在一个新发现的婴儿黑洞。

9.The 30-year-old object is a remnant of SN 1979C, a supernova in the galaxy M100 approximately 50 milpon pght years from Earth.这个30岁的物体*是SN1979C超新星爆炸以后的遗留物,它位于M100星系,距地球大约500万光年。

10.The M100 doesn't just fascinate through its modularity and intuitive operation but also through its generous, differentiated sound.M100不仅通过它的模组性和直观操作,还通过它宏亮的、可区分的声音令人著迷。