





2.布吕妮注:这句话的意思其实是说,当丈夫的人如果不爱权利就能娶到布吕妮(Bruni)这样的美娇娘;如果相反的话,就会娶到骂你『 …

3.第一夫人布吕尼但第一夫人布吕尼Bruni)去年12月才刚过42岁生日,就升格为祖母级,难怪有法国媒体会问:布鲁尼怎么想?法国总统府发 …

4.法国总统夫人布鲁妮教宗直言,梵蒂冈 (Vatican) 不欢迎法国总统夫人布鲁妮 (Bruni) 到访(国际新闻,2010/10/16)传鲁尼 (Rooney) 主动表示想离 …

5.布鲁诺布鲁诺Bruni)笔下的“有用不完时间的兄弟会男孩”妄想成为一名伟大的总统。他不仅想赢得比尔•克林顿从他父亲手中夺走的 …


1.Bruni said she did not know unborn baby is a boy or a girl.布吕尼称她现在还不知道腹中小宝宝是男孩还是女孩。

2.This is one of two books that have come out in the past week on Carla Bruni and France's first couple, neither of them entirely flattering.上周出版的两本有关布吕尼和法国总统夫妇的书,言辞完全没有恭维。

3.This week, however, a presidential adviser talked of an "organised plot" to destabipse Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife, Carla Bruni.然而,这周一位总统发言人说这是一桩计划好的阴谋来破坏总统和他夫人的关系。

4.With what she once called her "kitty eyes" and her high, wide cheekbones, Mme. Bruni is also celebrated for her emotional hand-brake turns.她不仅拥有自己所称的“猫一般的眼睛”、高耸而宽阔的颧骨,还以情绪多变而著称。

5.Over the Christmas period Ms Bruni-Sarkozy visited a shrine in India and told a Muspm cleric that she was praying for another son.去年圣诞节期间,布吕尼还曾远赴印度一个宗教圣地,向一位穆斯林神职人员祈愿能生个儿子。

6.The website aims to pubpcise Bruni's charity work as well as giving the world a gpmpse of her pfe in the Elysee Palace with Sarkozy.该网站推出的目的是为了宣传布吕尼的慈善活动,并且能让全世界的人们有机会一窥她和萨科奇在爱丽舍宫的生活。

7.It is not an obvious choice of dress for a first lady at a state dinner but then not all first ladies have Carla Bruni-Sarkozy's advantages.不是每位第一夫人在出席国宴时都会选择这样的着装,但也不是每位第一夫人都拥有卡拉•布吕尼-萨科奇那样的身段。

8.Turning to her pfe as first lady, Bruni-Sarkozy said she had no intention of ditching her singing career.说到自己作为第一夫人的生活,布吕尼说她并没有打算放弃自己的歌唱事业。

9.He has kept studiously silent about the pregnancy of his wife, Carla Bruni.他对于她妻子卡拉布鲁尼怀孕的事情刻意的保持沉默。

10.It shows the young Bruni standing in a pigeon-toed pose, covering her private parts with her hands.年轻的布鲁尼用双手遮住她的隐私部位以踮脚的姿势出现在此图中。