




1.利奥波德 Leonard 伦纳德 条顿 强壮如狮 Leopold 利奥波德 德国 有爱国心的 Les 勒斯 塞尔特 来自古老的堡垒 ...

2.李奥波 ... DE-157 FECHTELER 费克特勒 1944-5-5 DE-319 LEOPOLD 利奥波尔德 1944-3-10 DE-344 OBERRENDER 奥伯 …

4.利奥波特 Leonard 雷纳德 Leopold 利奥波特 Lespe 莱斯利 ...

5.比利时国王雷鲍德种进攻是完全有可能发生的,她应当毫不犹豫地立即通知比利时国王雷鲍德(Leopold)。”后来,西亚诺同纳粹进行了强有力的 …

6.比利时国王利奥波德1896 年,比利时国王利奥波德Leopold)三世在观看芭蕾舞表演时,爱上了舞台上的女主角——芭蕾明星克莱奥· 德- 梅洛德 …


1."Leopold's . . . has become more famous now following this incident [the attacks], no doubt, " he said.他说:“利奥波德咖啡馆……在此次事件(恐怖袭击)后,毫无疑问已变得更加出名。”

2.Before the ransom was paid, the body was found along with a pair of glasses pnking the crime to Leopold and Loeb.在赎金支付之前,弗兰克斯的尸体已被发现,同时被发现的还有一副眼镜,这是它将这起案件与利奥伯德和勒伯联系到了一起。

3.One of the first stops is the Leopold cafe, where the bullet holes and grenade blast marks have been preserved as a badge of honour.利奥波德咖啡馆是首轮参观点之一,那里的弹孔和手榴弹爆炸痕迹被当做纪念标志保留了下来。

4.Kate : Leopold , this was lovely. But I don't know if I can leap , even if I am inspired. People might think I'm brave, but I'm not .凯特:利奥波德,这很感动,但是我不知道我是否能跨出这一步。即使我内心很冲动,别人可能以为我很勇敢,但我不是。

5.The authors of this book are not the only people who have ever read Aldo Leopold.这本书的作者不是曾经给奥尔多读利奥波德的唯一的人们。

6.Franks died soon thereafter. Leopold and Loeb concealed the body and poured hydrochloric acid on it to make identification more difficult.利奥伯德和勒伯将尸体隐匿起来,并在上面浇上盐酸而使辨认工作更加困难。

7.A decade later, when more was known about the interdependencies of nature, Leopold finally conceded the vital nature of organic fire.十年后,当大自然的相互依赖性被进一步揭示之后,利奥波德终于承认了天然火的重要本质。

8.The University of Wisconsin, where Leopold worked, had purchased an old farm, called the Curtis place, to make an arboretum out of it.利奥波德所在的威斯康星大学买了一个名为柯蒂斯的旧农场,打算在那里建立一个植物园。

9.Leopold convinced the University to let the Curtis farm revert to prairie again.利奥波德说服学校让柯蒂斯农场重新还原成草原。

10.Ironically, Aldo Leopold, the greatest American ecologist, argued fiercely against letting wildfire burn in wilderness.具有讽刺意味的是,奥尔多·利奥波德,这位最伟大的美国生态学家,竟然强烈反对让野火在荒地里燃烧。