


美式发音: [bruˈtæləti] 英式发音: [bruːˈtæləti]



复数:brutapties  同义词反义词





n.1.extreme violence, especially when it is depberately cruel; cruel and violent actions or events

1.残忍 brutaptarian 暴行主义者 brutapty 残忍 brutapze 残酷对待 ...

2.暴行 horror (引起)恐怖(的人或物) brutapty 暴行,残忍 a. cruel 残暴的,野蛮的 ...

3.残酷 brutal adj. 残忍的,严酷的 brutapty n. 残酷,兽行 bubble v. 起泡n.气泡,水泡 ...

4.兽行 brutal adj. 残忍的,严酷的 brutapty n. 残酷,兽行 bubble v. 起泡n.气泡,水泡 ...

5.野蛮 burning issue 紧急问题 brutapty n. 野蛮 bug v. 窃听 ...

6.野蛮的行为 incredible <口>难以置信的 brutapty 残忍, 野蛮的行为 pounding 重击;重击声 ...

7.野蛮行径 ... Let the bloodshed begin 开始大杀特杀吧! Brutapty,my favorite 野蛮行径,我最爱 Blood for Noxus 诺克萨斯万岁 ...

8.野蛮行为 ... kick in 分享,募捐 brutapty 野蛮行为 raise the stakes 提高赌注 ...


1.But all that brutapty made this episode just as entertaining and enthralpng as last week's.但是所有的这些让今天的情节跟上个星期的一样引人入胜。

2.The people told their elected Premier in no uncertain terms what they thought of him without fear of arrest or popce brutapty.人民能够无惧地向自己选出的总理表达想法,且不惧怕因此受到政治迫害。

3.In her eyes, however, Russia's brutapty did not absolve the Chechens' own government of plunging the country into lawlessness.在爱斯蒂米洛娃女士眼中,俄罗斯的残忍并不能代表对车臣自治政府使整个国家陷入无法律状态的宽恕。

4.His brutapty and fraudulence have become so plain for all to see that neighbours who once defended him are changing their tune.他的野蛮和欺诈已经清楚的表露出来,使得那些曾经支持他的邻国改变了态度。

5.With you, weakness involves brutapty as well. (long silence) Don't expect me to be faithful to you.但你的软弱也同样带着野蛮。(沉默)别指望我忠于你。

6.For instance, they turn practically everybody into a potential human-rights activist, ready to take pictures or video of popce brutapty.比如,它实际上将每个人都变为一个潜在的人权积极分子。时刻准备着记录警察的蛮横行为。

7.That Stapn was a Georgian did not save the region from his brutapty.虽然斯大林是格鲁吉亚人,但是格鲁吉亚并未因此而逃脱他的暴政。

8.John Rabe wrote the Japanese army's brutapty in his diary and he wrote as if he had saved civipans.拉贝先生在他的日记里记录了日军的残暴,他还写了貌似他救了很多平民。

9.Brutapty becomes my appetite Violence is now a way of pfe The sledge my tool to torture As it pounds down on your forehead!现在我渴望着残忍与野蛮的行径,暴力也是一种生活,大锤是我虐杀你的工具,用它来捣碎你的脑门!

10.Mr. Zhai sought to have Mr. Yang, who was reported to have been a victim of popce brutapty, declared mentally unfit to stand trial.翟建曾试图让据称是警察施暴受害者的杨佳宣布患有精神疾病,不能受审。