



美式发音: [ɪnˈflekʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪn'flekʃ(ə)n]



复数:inflections  同义词




n.1.Same as inflexion2.changes in the basic form of a word to show something such as tense or number; the form of a word that is not the basic form; an addition or a change to the basic form of a word3.the way that the sound of your voice goes up and down when you speak

1.屈折变化 Readings in Pap Texts 经文选读 Inflections 语尾变化 Exercises 习题 ...

5.拐点5) 文学作品的审美是建立在文学语言的基础之上的。读者欣赏文 (inflections)。因此,现代英语的这一特点使得单词重音、 …


1.I do not know which to prefer, The beauty of inflections Or the beauty of innuendoes, The blackbird whistpng Or just after.V我不知道该喜欢哪样?是变幻之美或是暗示之美,是在黑鹂吹哨的时候或是在那之后。

2.The same is true of the Chinese language. It has no formal conjugation of verbs or inflections in gender and number.汉语也是这样,没有动词形式的变化,也没有词性和数的变化。

3.But no matter how often they repeated the words, with many different inflections, they were unable to wring any more meaning from them.无论重复说多少遍,重音位置如何变化,他们都无法从字里行间挖出任何含义。

4.Actors spend hours practicing their pnes, the different inflections of their voice and the non-verbal stance of the moment.演员们会花成小时的时间反复练习他们的台词,语音语调的变化和每个时刻的非语言立场。

5.In dialect it is necessary to spell phonetically, or at least ingeniously, to capture unusual inflections.按读音来拼写方言是必要的,至少要拼得巧,这样才能体现不同寻常的曲折变化。

6.Through the identification of lemmas, inflections of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives, as well as conjugations of verbs, are recognized.通过确定词元,名词、代词、形容词的语型变化,以及动词词形变化都会被识别出来。

7.You can choose a language for your dictionary in the section Automatically detected inflections in the dictionary editor.您可以在字典编辑器的Automaticallydetectedinflections部分为字典选择一种语言。

8.Searching for the base form returns all inflections, including terms with possessive s, as shown in Listing 9.搜索基本形式会返回所有的变形词,包括所有格s的词汇,如清单9所示。

9.Each week I went through half-remembered phrases, getting bogged down in the intricate grammar and impossible inflections .每周我都复习那些记不大清的词组,艰难地整理复杂的语法和纷繁的屈折。

10.Any of the different forms or inflections expressing these distinctions.表示某人称的词形:表示这些区别的不同的形式或变化。