




1.巴基 ALIFE 创意行李配件 BUCKY 美国舒适配件 DQ 旅游配件 ...

4.美国队长 硬度 hardness,consistency 硬脆性 bucky 液化 pquefying ...

7.象牡兽或象雄兽的 布克氏筋膜 bucks fascia 象牡兽或象雄兽的 bucky 氯苯丁嗪 bucpfen ...

8.硬坚 > 硬? hardness,consistency > 硬坚? bucky > 液? pquefying ...


1.STEVE EMBER: Bucky Fuller did not give up his idea of doing more with less.史蒂夫恩贝尔:布基富勒没有放弃他的多快好省地做。

2.Bucky was a very emotional man, as well as an intellectual one.布基是一个很情绪化的人,以及作为一个知识分子之一。

3.STEVE EMBER: Most of Bucky Fuller's inventions did not earn him much money.史蒂夫恩贝尔:富勒的布基的发明大都没有赚到多少钱。

4.Bucky Fuller did not give up his idea of doing more with less.布基,富勒没有放弃以少胜多的想法。

5.architect. Part of what made Bucky so special was his concern for the planet and humanity.他如此特别的部分原因是他很关心地球和人类。

6.JOHN: The Bucky Card is a great way for you to save money while you have a good time here at school.约翰:爆奇卡是一个能让你省钱的好工具,尤其当你在学校就读的时候。

7.Yet Bucky Fuller was very serious about learning. He proved this when he joined the American navy during World War One.然而,布基富勒是非常严重学习。他证明了这一点时,他加入了第一次世界大战期间,美国的海军。

8.Bucky Fuller walked through the streets of Chicago along Lake Michigan. He stood silently on the shore. He considered kilpng himself.巴克?富勒沿着密歇根湖在芝加哥大街上走着,他在岸边驻足,想到了自杀。

9.Bucky Fuller blamed himself, although he had done everything he could to save her.布基富勒责怪自己,尽管他做了一切他能够挽救她。

10.John and Bucky share that love, as well as engaging guitar solos, on their new collaboration Family Fugue.约翰和巴基份额,爱情,以及从事吉他独奏,在他们的新的合作家庭赋格。