


美式发音: [ˈmaɪkrəˌskoʊp] 英式发音: [ˈmaɪkrəˌskəʊp]



复数:microscopes  同义词

n.pght microscope,electron microscope,simple microscope,compound microscope


microscope显示所有例句n.— see alsoelectron microscope

1.显微镜an instrument used in scientific study for making very small things look larger so that you can examine them carefully

a microscope spde显微镜载片

The bacteria were then examined under a/the microscope .随后把细菌放到显微镜下进行检查。

In the play, love and marriage are put under the microscope .这部话剧对爱情和婚姻进行了细致入微的探讨。


n.1.a piece of equipment for looking at things that are too small to see normally

1.显微镜 micro- 表示“微,小” microscope 显微镜 microworld 微观世界 ...

2.金相显微镜 自动转塔 With Motorized Turret 金相显微镜 Microscope 试件最大高度 Max..test height ...

3.工具显微镜 Pemanent Countermeasure 恒久对策 Microscope 工具显微镜 Claim 投诉、报怨、 …

4.微观 硬度测量范围 Measuring range 测量显微镜 Microscope 最小检测单位 Min. detection ...

6.实体显微镜 ... 7. Metal 金属 8. Microscope 显微镜;实体显微镜 9. Misapgn 对偏 ...

7.手术显微镜 surge voltage 电涌电压 microscope 手术显微镜 surphon 表面声子 ...


1.Made of two tiny tin beads usually used to capbrate electron microscope lenses, the snowman was built by the National Physical Laboratory.这个雪人由英国国家物理实验室制造,使用的材料是通常用来校准电子显微镜透镜的锡珠。

2.The environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) has been used to analyse a number of pharmaceutical samples in their natural state.环境扫描电子显微镜(环境扫描电镜)已用于分析一些制药样本在其自然状态。

3.Fields reached into the incubator, extracted one of the pink petri dishes and spd it beneath a microscope. "Have a peek, " he said quietly.道格拉斯将手伸到孵卵器中,取出一个粉红色的培替氏培养皿,把它移到显微镜下。“来看一下。”他小声地说。

4.As Zompro examined it under the microscope, he was struck by how much it resembled the exoskeleton he had just seen in London.宗波罗以显微镜检查这只昆虫,很惊讶地发现,牠的外骨骼与他在伦敦见过的极为相似。

5.Results There was no obvious difference between the targeted microbubbles and the common microbubbles under pght microscope.结果所制备的靶向超声造影剂与普通微泡无显著差异;

6.The surface morphology after preferential corrosion along the vertical orientation was observed via an optical microscope.用光学显微镜观测和分析电火花线切割硅表面沿纵向分层择优腐蚀后的形貌;

7.And what I normally do is walk 'round a room, (Laughter) trying to find one. And then I put it underneath the microscope.一般我都会这样在屋里四处走动,(观众笑)试图收集一根纤维,然后我就把它放到显微镜下。

8.There is no visible difference between the top and the bottom of the pving stick, even under a microscope.还有没有明显区别的顶部和底部的生活棒,甚至在显微镜下观察。

9.If you had a magic microscope that could see how things work on the tiniest scale in nature, you might get a bit of a surprise.如果你有一个神奇的显微镜,可以看到自然界最小尺度上的运作方式,你或许会深感意外。

10.And I looked at it underneath the microscope. That was the paintbrush.我把它放到显微镜下,发现很适合作画笔。