




1.宫古 Misumi 三角 Miyako 宫古 Miyazu 宫津 ...

2.宫古岛 (“造型师美弥子(MI”) 造型师美弥子(MIYAKO)推荐:娇韵诗纤颜紧致... …


1.A woman who lost her mother and her three-year-old son reacts after she confirmed their bodies under the rubble of her house in Miyako.一个女人谁失去了母亲和她三岁的儿子后,她证实反应下,她的房子在宫古废墟他们的尸体。

2.A man rides a bicycle through a debris-strewn street in Miyako, Iwate Prefecture in northeastern Japan March 12.通过一个人骑在宫古,岩手县碎片散落在日本东北部街3月12日自行车。

3.A tsunami wave crashes over a street in Miyako City, Iwate Prefecture, in northeastern Japan on March 11.日,海啸巨浪冲向日本东北部岩手县宫古市的一条街道。

4.Toshiba is doing similar work for the Japanese island of Miyako.东芝同时也为日本宫古岛做着相似的工作。

5.An elderly man and woman push a cart carrying their salvaged belongings in Miyako, in Iwate prefecture, on March 16.一位上了年纪的男人和女人推宫古车携带物品的打捞,在岩手县3月16日。

6.Rescue workers carry a quake victim on a stretcher in Miyako March 12.救援人员携带担架上的3月12日在宫古地震的受害者。

7.Somewhere, under those rags. . . are you still the greatest geisha in Miyako?你在这深褴褛衣衫之下,仍是宫古市最美的艺伎吗?