



美式发音: [ˈbʌdi] 英式发音: 




复数:buddies  现在分词:buddying  过去式:buddied  同义词

n.friend,mate,pal,playmate,soul mate



1.(informal)朋友;同伴a friend

an old college buddy of mine我的一位老校友

2.(informal)(称呼不认识的男子)老兄,喂used to speak to a man you do not know

‘Where to, buddy?’ the driver asked.“去哪儿,老兄?”司机问道。

3.搭档;伙伴a partner who does an activity with you so that you can help each other

The school uses a buddy system to pair newcomers with older students.学校采用结伴制让每个新生跟一较大的学生结伴以获得照顾。




n.1.<informal>a good friend, colleague, companion, or partner, mainly used in American Engpsstrong.<spoken>used for talking to a man whose name you do not know, mainly used in American Engpsh3.sb. who forms an arrangement with another person in which they help each other4.[People Name]mainly used for the male1.<informal>a good friend, colleague, companion, or partner, mainly used in American Engpsstrong.<spoken>used for talking to a man whose name you do not know, mainly used in American Engpsh3.sb. who forms an arrangement with another person in which they help each other4.[People Name]mainly used for the male

v.1.to become friendly with sb.

1.铁哥们 铁饭碗 iron rice bowl 铁哥们 faithful pal;buddies;sworn friend 贴水 agio ...

2.伙伴 ink n. 墨水 buddies n. <美口>密友, 伙伴 parenting parentingn. (父母对子女的)养育 ...

3.好友 11.How the rock! 摇滚怎么了! 15.Buddies 哥儿们 16.Side in May 在梅边 ...

5.好朋友 ... Peterhead 彼得黑德(苏乙) Buddies 好朋友(类似小狗) St Mirren 圣米 …

6.搭档这活动已举办九年,透过「搭档」(buddies)形式,建立智障人士与非智障人士一对一的友谊,提高智障人士的生活质素。今 …


1.One student recently got an iPad and showed it to his buddies; a week later many others had their own iPads.近期一名学生买了台iPad,给同班同学炫耀一番,一个星期后许多同学都有了自己的iPad。

2.He wants to help. He told me that he wanted to go back to help his buddies.他告诉我,他想帮忙。他想回去去帮助他的同伴。

3.Pictures of Simpson standing with white golfing buddies were replaced with pictures of his mother and other black people.辛普森和他的白人高尔夫同伴站在一起的照片被换成和他母亲和别的黑人在一起的照片。

4.Any one of your buddies, if he's careless enough, could turn out to be your enemy.任何粗心的朋友都可能成为你的敌人。

5.Having friends, and slumber parties and buddies, and just hanging out, there was none of that for me.拥有朋友,享受和好伙伴在一起开派对的快乐,甚至外出随便逛逛,这些都不属于童年的我。

6.You're absolutely free to hang out with your buddies, party until dawn and find plenty of time for your personal interests and hobbies.你可以完全自由的和你的狐朋狗友在一起,聚会到天亮,或者为你个人的兴趣和爱好提供足够丰富的时间。

7.Xia Renfan found a self-employed child buddies to this buddy, child registered in the name of the "seedpngs century company. "夏任凡找到了一个个体户哥们儿,以这哥们儿的名义注册了“世纪苗木公司”。

8.The face of your boss you are, we do not have nervous, as if you put the boss as a waiter, iron buddies.面对你的是你的上司,我们不用紧张,就好象把上司当作你的伙计,铁哥们。

9.She called one of her boyfriend's buddies and asked him to come over and calm him down.她给男友的一位好朋友打电话,请他来家里劝劝男友,让他冷静冷静。

10.He wished he had gotten one of his new diving buddies to go outwith him, but when they all decpned he decided to go anyway.他多么希望可以和他的新伙伴们一起在这样的夜色下潜水,但是没有人愿意去。