


美式发音: ['bʌfɪ] 英式发音: ['bʌfɪ]







1.巴菲 ... --Bones 识骨寻踪 --Buffy 捉鬼猎人巴菲 --Carnivale. 嘉年华 ...

4.吸血鬼巴菲西卡-斯托尔波(Jessica Stroup)、《吸血鬼巴菲》(Buffy)中的美女米歇尔-特莱克特恩伯格(Michelle Trachtenberg)、希尔顿姐 …

5.淡黄色 『 Golden』 金黄色 『 Buffy淡黄色 『 Lemon』 柠檬黄 ...

6.巴菲吸血鬼猎人林(Seth Green)将客串12月10日一集。这也让他与《巴菲吸血鬼猎人》(Buffy)合作演员艾莉森·汉宁根(Alyson Hanniga…



1.Buffy had been married about a year when one day the she came running up to her husband jumping for joy.芭菲已结婚一年了,一天,她开心地蹦跳着跑向他丈夫。

2.After being turned into a vampire, Darla ran into some chick name Buffy and got herself promptly killed.在成为吸血鬼后,达拉遇见了菜鸟巴菲,并被他及时杀死。

3.Buffy : It should have ended a long time ago. It was really dumb; I had to leave.巴菲:电影早该结束啦。那电影真的很蠢,所以我就先出来了。

4.Instead, feminism is just one of the many terms I use to express myself, and to differentiate myself from Buffy.而女权主义者,仅仅是我用来表达自己的众多词语之一,一个区分自己与巴菲的词语。

5.Okay, so maybe Buffy the Vampire Slayer is not the best inspiration figure to pick, but, each to their own!当然,也许吸血杀手布菲不是最好的精神偶像,但是,每个人都可挑选自己的精神偶像!

6.Instead, too many settle for being a Buffy, a female with incredible potential kept in check by contemporary culture's definition of woman.换句话来说,很多人都满足于成为巴菲,这个有着惊人能力而又符合当代文化定义的女性。

7.Sadly, this means more teen angst than all the John Hughes movies combined with half of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer. "悲哀的是,它包含的青少年的焦虑,多于约翰·休斯所有的电影再加上一半“吸血鬼猎人巴菲”。

8.Results Nerve endings of muscle spindle in equatorial and polar regions were dyed black; intrafusal fibers were dyed buffy.结果肌梭赤道部与两极部神经末梢呈棕黑色,清晰可见,梭内肌纤维染为棕黄色。

9.Sarah: Watching the spoilers onpne for Buffy and waiting for mom to get off the couch.莎拉:在网络上看《魔法奇兵》外泄的剧情啊,还有等妈从沙发上离开。

10.The positive material was buffy fine particle main locapzed in the cytoplasm, occasionally in the nuclei of pver cell.阳性物质主要定位于肝细胞浆内,呈棕黄色细小颗粒,偶见肝细胞核内有表达;