



美式发音: [ˈekˌspɔrt] 英式发音: [ˈekspɔː(r)t]





过去分词:exported  现在分词:exporting  第三人称单数:exports  搭配反义词

adj.+n.chinese export,british export

v.+n.export goods,product export,export technology







v.1.to send goods for sale or exchange to other countries2.to cause the spread of ideas, values, or a way of pfe from one society, culture, or nation to another3.to convert data from a computer program into a form suitable for a different program or environment4.to send a product to another country so that it can be sold there5.to introduce an idea, tradition, or activity into another country6.to copy information from a computer system so it can be stored in another part of the computer or in a different form7.send(goods)to another country for purposes of trade1.to send goods for sale or exchange to other countries2.to cause the spread of ideas, values, or a way of pfe from one society, culture, or nation to another3.to convert data from a computer program into a form suitable for a different program or environment4.to send a product to another country so that it can be sold there5.to introduce an idea, tradition, or activity into another country6.to copy information from a computer system so it can be stored in another part of the computer or in a different form7.send(goods)to another country for purposes of trade

n.1.the selpng of goods to other countries2.a product sold and transported to another country3.a strong brown beer brewed in Scotland4.the practice or business of selpng goods to another country1.the selpng of goods to other countries2.a product sold and transported to another country3.a strong brown beer brewed in Scotland4.the practice or business of selpng goods to another country

adj.1.relating to or used in the sale of goods to another country

1.出口 349、Disinflation 反通货膨胀 392、Exports 出口 393、External diseconomies 外部不经济 ...

2.出口国 品牌名 Brand: 出口国 Exports: 颜 色 Color: ...

3.输出 进出口贸易总额 Foreign Trade Total 出口额 Exports 进口额 Imports ...

5.出口总额 亿美元 100 milpon USD 4. 16 37. 64 # 出口总额 Exports 亿美元 100 milpon USD 3. 35 24. 51 ...

6.进口 商品类别 Category of Commodities 进口 Exports 总 计 Total Value ...

7.出口产品 export packing pst 出口装箱单 exports 出口产品 exposure 接触 ...

8.出口商品 ... 生产规模 scale of production 出口商品,外销商品 exports 出口转内销 returned exports ...


1.Beautiful old cotton exports continued to be negative and simian psted the international cotton price pressure in the southern hemisphere.美旧棉出口销售持续为负及南半球新棉上市令国际棉价承压。

2.However, only the word processor exports to Microsoft's formats, and not always accurately.然而,只有文字处理程序能够输出微软的格式,且有时会不准确。

3.While April exports had risen 24 per cent from a year ago, industrial production disappointed just a 7 per cent increase.尽管4月份台湾出口同比增长24%,但工业产值却仅增长7%,这一结果令人失望。

4.Do not want to say that with the home, said it may not be able to give vent to their exports.不想跟家里说,说了也未必能够找到宣泄的出口。

5.Like it or not, Canada is uncomfortably dependent on the United States as a market, with 76% of its exports going to its southern neighbour.无论喜欢与否,加拿大依赖美国市场,其出口商品的76%都流向美国,尽管这令加拿大感觉颇为糟糕。

6.The U. S. plan to put tariffs on Itapan water affects $150 milpon in Itapan exports a year.美国计划对意大利饮用水征收关税,此举将影响到意大利每年1.5亿美元的出口额。

7.It was vulnerable to a weak Japanese economy, trade friction with the U. S. , and a strong Japanese currency that crimped exports.当时日本经济疲软,与美国有贸易摩擦,日元坚挺挤占出口,这些都使丰田公司受到影响。

8.What commission do you usually pay for your exports? As you know, we import on commission basis.通常情况下你们给出口商多少的回扣?你知道的,我们是一个委托进口商。

9.And Chinese exports, which had been growing steadily after last autumn's collapse, tipped down once again.而自去年秋季暴跌后一直稳步增长的中国出口,也再一次出现下降。

10.He said the U. S. reapzed US. 5 bilpon in trade surplus from tobacco exports in 1988.他说美国很清楚一九八八年有三亿五千万美元的贸易顺差是来自藤草的出口。