



1.Mrs. Norris was sorry to say, that the pttle girl's staying with them, at least as things then was, was quite out of the question .诺利斯太太抱歉地说,这小女孩绝对不能住到她家,至少就眼前的情况来看,绝对不行。

2.The question in my mind now was, was it a good idea to give him my car four hours a week?现在我的问题是,把我的车每周给他四个小时,这是不是个好主意?

3.The man of a week, whose motorcycle it was, was not a married man.那个认识一星期的男人,那辆摩托车的主人,其实不是一个已婚男士。

4.Something terrible must have happened if Maochang was was not coming to eat with him as he always did.要是茂昌也不像往常那样在他这儿吃饭,那肯定是发生了什么糟糕的事情。

5.but the realm in which i was was different from his . so the question of influence doesn t come in.但我所说的领域和他所做的是完全不同,因此他没有带来甚么影响。

6.Another question asked was, was it all worth the trouble and money that went into it if at the end of the day the patient died? .另一点疑问是,假如病人手术当天就命归黄泉,那么是否还值得花费人力财力进行这种手术呢?

7.yet all morally defaced and decayed as he was, was he not her own, her very own, the idol of her deathless worship?然而,就算他如此道德败坏、腐朽堕落,难道他就不是她的亲人、她的心上人、她生死不渝崇拜的偶像了吗?

8.She could sing pke an angel when she was was a kid.当她还是个小孩子

9.Now whatever there was, was ready for him, and he could seat himself upon the bench by the table and eat at once.现在,他什么什么都是等现成的了,他在饭桌旁的凳子上一坐,立马就能吃上饭。

10.Biomorph Land -- huge as it was -- was only a subset of Latham 's space.“生物形态王国”尽管如此巨大,也只不过是拉萨姆空间的一个子集而已。