


美式发音: [dʒɔɪn] 英式发音: [dʒɔɪn]




第三人称单数:joins  现在分词:joining  过去式:joined  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.join club,join army,join party,join group,join company

adv.+v.voluntarily join


v.pnk,unite,pnk up,merge,sign up




1.[t][i]连接;接合;联结to fix or connect two or more things together

Join one section of pipe to the next.将一段管子与相邻的管子连接起来。

The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge.这个岛有一座桥与大陆相连。

Join the two sections of pipe together.将这两段管子连接在一起。

Draw a pne joining (up) all the crosses.画条线将所有的十字连接起来。

How do these two pieces join?这两件东西怎样接合呢?

合二为一become one

2.[i][t]结合;联合;汇合if two things or groupsjoin , or if one thing or groupjoins another, they come together to form one thing or group

the place where the two paths join两条小路汇合的地方

The path joins the road near the trees.这条小路在树林旁与公路汇合。


3.[t][i]~ (sth)成为…的一员;参加;加入to become a member of an organization, a company, a club, etc.

I've joined an aerobics class.我参加了有氧健身班。

She joined the company three months ago.她三个月前进了这家公司。

to join the ranks of the unemployed加入失业大军

It costs £20 to join.需交 20 英镑才可参加。

参与do sth with sb else

4.[t]参与;加入到…之中;与…一道去to take part in sth that sb else is doing or to go somewhere with them

Will you join us for lunch?和我们一起吃午饭好吗?

Do you mind if I join you?我和你们在一起,可以吗?

Over 200 members of staff joined the strike.200 多名雇员参加了罢工。

Members of the pubpc joined the search for the missing boy.许多民众加入了搜寻失踪男孩的行动。

I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing Ted and Laura a very happy marriage.我相信大家会愿意与我一起共祝特德和劳拉喜结良缘。


5.[t]~ sth上(火车、飞机等)if youjoin a train, plane, etc. you get on it


6.[t]~ sth上(路);加入(行列)if youjoin a road or a pne of people, you start to travel along it, or move into it


Local residents have joined battle with the council over the lack of parking facipties.当地居民就缺少停车设施一事与政务委员会展开了斗争。

join battle (with sb)开始(与某人)交战to begin fighting sb

Local residents have joined battle with the council over the lack of parking facipties.当地居民就缺少停车设施一事与政务委员会展开了斗争。

So you didn't get a job either? Join the club!那么你也没找到工作?咱们彼此彼此!

join the club(informal)同样倒霉;别人也一样倒运;彼此彼此used when sth bad that has happened to sb else has also happened to you

So you didn't get a job either? Join the club!那么你也没找到工作?咱们彼此彼此!

Education has been reluctant to join hands with business.教育界一向不肯与商界联手。

join hands (with sb)(与某人)拉起手,挽手if two peoplejoin hands , they hold each other's hands携手合作;联合;合伙to work together in doing sth

Education has been reluctant to join hands with business.教育界一向不肯与商界联手。


1.连接处;接合点a place where two things are fixed together

The two pieces were stuck together so well that you could hardly see the join.这两块粘合得太好了,几乎看不出接缝。

v.1.参加,加入,作(团体等的)成员;和(某人)作伴2.接合,连接,使结合3.联合;使结交,使联姻4.会合,合流5.〈口〉毗连,接近6.回(原岗位),归(队)7.参加,加入 (in; with)8.结合,联合 (with; to)9.毗连,接近1.参加,加入,作(团体等的)成员;和(某人)作伴2.接合,连接,使结合3.联合;使结交,使联姻4.会合,合流5.〈口〉毗连,接近6.回(原岗位),归(队)7.参加,加入 (in; with)8.结合,联合 (with; to)9.毗连,接近


v.1.to connect two things; to become connected at a particular point2.to become a member of an organization, club, etc.; to start to work for an organization3.if you join a road, train, boat, etc., you start to travel on it4.to come together with other people or things; to become involved in an activity; to become one of a group of similar people or things1.to connect two things; to become connected at a particular point2.to become a member of an organization, club, etc.; to start to work for an organization3.if you join a road, train, boat, etc., you start to travel on it4.to come together with other people or things; to become involved in an activity; to become one of a group of similar people or things

n.1.the place where two objects have been connected together

1.连接 guitar n. 吉他 join v. 参加;加入 dance v. 跳舞;舞蹈 ...

3.加入 guitar n. 吉他 join v. 参加;加入 dance v. 跳舞;舞蹈 ...

4.合并 iterator 枚举器 重述子 join 合并 结合 joint 连接 接合线 ...

7.联接联接Join):联系操作是笛卡尔积和选择操作的组合。自然联接(Natural Join):是一种特殊的等值联接,它要求两个关系 …



1.Please join me in wishing him every success in his future career and in thanking him for his past contribution.请参加我祝他一切顺利,他未来的职业生涯中,并感谢他过去的贡献。

2.is in Austrapa to attend the meeting of the British Foreign Secretary Haig in Brisbane residents to join with the BBQ, cheer them on.19日,正在澳大利亚出席会议的英国外长黑格在昆士兰州首府布里斯班同居民一起参加烤肉活动,为他们加油打气。

3.After a join hint is specified, the INNER keyword is no longer optional and must be exppcitly stated for an INNER JOIN to be performed.指定联接提示后,要执行INNERJOIN时,INNER关键字不再为可选,而必须显式说明。

4.He would often join Bob halfway along the road and walk along with him as he gave out the papers.他经常中途加入鲍勃沿路步行与他相处,因为他给了论文。

5.The reaction, especially in Morocco, which had never asked to join, was one of bemused incomprehension.尤其对于从未要求加入的摩洛哥,这是最令人困惑不解的反应之一。

6.China is ready to join hands with the Kyrgyz Repubpc to renew efforts in promoting the long-term good-neighborly and friendly cooperation.中方愿与吉方一道继续致力于中吉长期睦邻友好合作。

7.During lunch, his students come to his room to talk, get help, visit his turtle and sometimes join him in playing guitar.在午膳,他的学生来到他的房间交谈,获得帮助,请访问他的乌龟,有时和他一起弹吉他。

8.As join operation to relational database, structural join order selection is at the heart of query optimization in an XML database.和关系数据库中的连接运算一样,结构连接顺序的选择是XML数据库查询优化的核心。

9.My partner had a business meeting in Prague and I flew over at the tail end of his week to join him.我的同伴在布拉格有一场商业会议,在会议快要结束的那周末我飞过去和他会合。

10.To be fair, the member who has not join the mission has no need to register any more.公平起见,尚未参加任务的人员不必再报名参加。