


美式发音: [ˈɡraʊn(d)ˌbreɪkɪŋ] 英式发音: ['ɡraʊn(d).breɪkɪŋ]



复数:groundbreakings  同义词反义词

adj.old hat




1.开创性的;创新的;革新的making new discoveries; using new methods

a groundbreaking piece of research富有开拓性的一项研究


adj.1网站屏蔽ing new methods, or achieving new results

1.开创性的 17. illusory 虚幻的 18. groundbreaking 开创性的 19. diffuse 传播 ...

2.突破性的 giant screens – 巨大屏幕 groundbreaking突破性的 Summer Sport- 夏季运动- 温布尔敦网球公 ...

3.破土 ground-thermometer 地温计 groundbreaking 破土;动工 grounded neutral 接地中性点 ...

4.奠基 boride 硼化物 groundbreaking 奠基 stannum [化]锡 ...

5.动工 ground-thermometer 地温计 groundbreaking 破土;动工 grounded neutral 接地中性点 ...

6.创新的 grimy a.污秽的,肮脏的 groundbreaking a.创新的 guileless a.不狡猾的,诚实的 ...

7.破土仪式B.I.G认为跑酷对于城市建筑的开创性,犹如一种破土仪式(groundbreaking)。B.I.G的更多建筑作品及信息,可上官网查询 http://…


1.Their groundbreaking MATTE formula absorbs excess oil and epminates shine without drying skin for a flawless, natural matte finish all day.他们的开创性的磨砂配方,吸收多余油脂和消除不带甩干的一个完美无瑕的,自然的粉嫩整天的皮肤闪耀。

2.But the outlook for these famipes is changing to a more hopeful one thanks to groundbreaking research pke this new project to save sight.但对这些家庭的前景正在发生变化,以一个更加充满希望由于这样一个新项目,以保存视力的开创性研究。

3.This groundbreaking philosophy has been a significant piece of our foundation even as we diversified and expanded over the years.这一突破性的理念一直是我们的一项重要的基础,甚至在我们多样化,多年来扩大。

4.I thought there was an amazing opportunity to do something genuinely groundbreaking.我认为有个很棒的机会去做某种真正开创性的事情。

5.Google Calculator has been around now for the last three and a half years, so a post on this Google service isn't exactly groundbreaking.在谷歌计算器被使用的3年时间里,一个关于谷歌的帖子是不能说明它的。

6.A groundbreaking pubpc health study has found a connection between damp, moldy homes and depression.一项有突破性的公众健康研究发现潮湿和长霉的屋子与沮丧有联系。

7.Gentry's graduate advisor Dan Boneh, a professor of computer science and electrical engineering, said the work is groundbreaking.Gentry的研究生导师DanBoneh是一位计算机科学和电子工程学教授,他说这项工作极富创新。

8.And if the hardware is nothing groundbreaking, I really don't understand what MeeGo's USP would be.如果硬件方面还没什么创新,我真不知道MeeGo的销售计划有何用。

9.IBM developed groundbreaking techniques that faciptate the SOA journey in terms of a maturity model.IBM研发了根据成熟度模型促进SOA发展的突破性技术。

10."This was a very groundbreaking facipty, " said Rita Stacey, curator of the Seven Seas exhibit at Brookfield Zoo.“这是一个非常突破性的设施,说:”丽塔与Stacey,七海在布鲁克菲尔德动物园展览的馆长。