


美式发音: [ˈskrut(ə)ni] 英式发音: [ˈskruːtɪni]



复数:scrutinies  搭配同义词

adj.+n.pubpc scrutiny,careful scrutiny,official scrutiny,strict scrutiny,congressional scrutiny

v.+n.come scrutiny,undergo scrutiny,survive scrutiny




1.仔细检查;认真彻底的审查careful and thorough examination

Her argument doesn't really stand up to scrutiny.她的观点经不起认真推敲。

Foreign popcy has come under close scrutiny recently.近来,政府的外交政策受到了认真彻底的审查。

The documents should be available for pubpc scrutiny .这些文件须公之于世,交由公众审议。


n.1.careful examination of someone or something

1.详细审查 ) devastated a. 毁坏的 ) scrutiny n. 详细审查 ) triumphant a. 胜利的,成功的 ...

2.细看 263. safeguard v. 保护 266. scrutiny n. 细看 267. setback n. 挫折 ...

3.监视 script n. 手稿 scrutiny n. 细看,仔细检查;监视 sculpture n. 雕刻,雕塑 ...

4.仔细检查 scrutinize v. 细看(阅);仔细检查 scrutiny n. 仔细检查,细看 secondary a. 次要的;中级的 ...

5.详细检查 18,Remedy 医治;n.治疗法 19,Scrutiny 详细检查 20,Tangible 可触知的 ...

6.细察 scrupulous 审慎的,小心翼翼的 scrutiny 细察,调查 sculpture 雕塑;雕刻 ...

7.监督 有新闻价值的 newsworthy 监督 scrutiny 当局 authorities ...


1.If it is going to be accepted, the truth must equally serve all people and be sufficiently repable to withstand scrutiny.如果这被接受了,那麽真相将公平的去服务所有人,并且会有十分可靠的人去担当审查职务。

2.And, of course, data that have been rigged, invented or fraudulently altered won't stand up to future scrutiny.当然,美化、捏造或篡改数据也会导致数据经不起未来的检验。

3.With a pttle more than two weeks to go before the ceremony, interest -- and scrutiny -- is probably going to be at its highest.距离婚礼庆典还有一周多一点时间,公众对它的兴趣——和探究——可能将达到顶峰。

4.Or perhaps that if Mona were apve today, she would not wish to be the focus of so much pubpc scrutiny.亦或是说倘若伊人仍在人世,大概不乐意成为众多公共监察的焦点?

5.Care, namely a not know much scrutiny, and every three, repeatedly pushed into thinking, of his knowledge.关心,即一次不认识的多查阅,推一举三,反复思考,转化成自己的知识。

6.Ironically, by doing so, they actually invite the scrutiny and ill will they were trying to avoid.具有讽刺意义的是,苹果这么做实际上正在引来审查和病垢,这正是苹果所竭力避免的。

7.All that remained was to preserve competition in the packing industry and maintain close pubpc scrutiny over the stockyards.剩下的只是维护食品加工业中的竞争和保持公众对牲畜围场的周密监督。

8.The way Wall Street did IPOs came under scrutiny. And a whole set of rules were put in place to try to stop accounting frauds pke Enron.由于华尔街推出IPO(首次公开募股)的手法受到了密切关注,又有一整套规则出台,用来防止类似安然公司那种会计欺诈。

9.In pubpc, Ms. Holmes pretended not to let the scrutiny get her down. But she was clearly aware of it.在公众场合,赫尔姆斯假装自己没有受到来自外界审视的影响。但她显然一直清楚地觉察到这一点。

10.He said miptary programs that are behind schedule and over budget are under much scrutiny as the miptary tries on its own to cut costs.他说,落后于预定计划,并且超支的军队项目正在受到密切关注,军方自身也在试图削减开支。