


美式发音: [ˈbʊlˌʃɪt] 英式发音: ['bʊl.ʃɪt]




第三人称单数:bullshits  现在分词:bullshitting  过去式:bullshitted  




That's just bullshit.那纯粹是胡说。


1.[i][t]胡说(尤指哄骗)to say things that are not true, especially in order to trick sb

She's just bullshitting.她不过是在瞎扯。

Don't try to bullshit me!休想哄我!


v.1.to tell someone something that is stupid or not true

n.1.something someone says that is stupid or not true

1.胡说 r p w t: 人品问题 bullshit,shit: 胡说,废话 sorry ass: 可怜的家伙,鄙视的意思 ...

2.废话 24.糟了! Shit!/ Fuck!/ Damn! 25.废话Bullshit! 26.变态! Pervert! ...

3.胡说八道于忍不住向裁判抱怨,从他口型来看,似乎是喊了一句“胡说八道”(bullshit),不过他也很快得到了处罚,裁判直接给了魔兽 …

4.胡扯 ramp 比较口语的表达 Bullshit 废话,胡扯 Bullshit! 胡说! ...

5.补血--胡扯 单脚拉屎--危险( dangerous) 补血--胡扯Bullshit) LR 人 声词 ...

6.牛屎 Building block: 构件,结构单元 Bullshit: 狗屎,狗屁 Carrier: 载体 ...

8.扯淡是不是扯淡bullshit)本身就像这些产品一样是说话者漫不经心随日说出来的呢?从来没有认真打磨,不像朗费罗所提到的那 …


1."You know for the last quarter of a century, people have written stone bullshit about Marilyn, " he said at the end of our interview.“你知道,在过去的四分之一世纪里,人们写了很多关于玛丽莲的臭狗屎,”在采访的最后他说。

2.So I knew immediately in front of 55 minutes as if it were raining flowers are TMD bullshit this last step is the key.所以我一下子就明白了,前面55分钟的天花乱坠都是TMD的扯蛋,最后这一哆嗦才是关键。

3.We have no clear understanding of what bullshit is, why there is so much of it, or what functions it serves.我们没有什么废话是明确的认识,为什么有这么多,或哪些职能的责任感。

4.No one from here was ever there. There's no way of knowing. This is all bullshit and a waste of your tax money.从来没有人去过那里,也没有办法去弄清楚。这简直是一派胡言,浪费纳税人的钱!

5.He even seems to have got over most of his Pureblood Supremacy bullshit.他甚至都好像已经忘记了那套纯血统最高的鬼话。

6.No matter how much you sugar-coat it, it is still bullshit.不管你怎么甜言蜜语,这仍然是胡扯。

7.So yes, it's easy to get annoyed about it, because something completely straightforward is turned into bullshit by emu-poptics.所以,是的,很容易生气这个问题,因为简单的东西是完全变成废话了鸸鹋的政治。

8.this is all bullshit. india is nowhere as close to - U. K, FRANCE AUSTRALIA, AND many other European countries even , south africa.这全是狗屎。印度连趋近这些国家都做不到——英国,法国,澳大利亚还有许多其他欧洲国家,甚至南非。

9.I don't know, but I bepeve that what we need more than ever is to see through our own bullshit, as well as everyone else's.我不知道,但是我相信我们所需要的是看穿自己和别人的谎言。

10.She was a managing director, and said she had had enough of the bullshit.她当时担任董事总经理,说自己受够了那些废话。