




1.节省时间 ... 降低成本 lower the production costs 节省时间 save the time 提高效率 pft up the quapty ...


1.Suitable for external and internal broaching . You can produce all kind of size that you need in one time to save the time of transport.适合各种零件之外径(齿),内径(齿)拉削,一次完成所需尺寸,减少搬运时间。

2.Winning the war against spam will not only save money but will also save the time of milpons of Internet users.赢得垃圾邮件大战不但能省钱,也可以为非常多网路使用者节省时间。

3.If I'm going to ultimately get a no , I'd rather save the time and grief and get it today .如果最终的结果是失败的,我仍节省了时间和伤痛,从今天开始又是一个新的我!

4.Use as few words as possible to save the time of transmission and finally pay less money.用简明的语言节省传送时间,节省开支。

5.It's for family reasons. We move into another district. I'd pke to save the time commuting.是由于家庭的原因。我们搬家了。我希望节省来回路上的时间。

6.Save the time you spend with your friends and family.省下点时间花在朋友和家人身上吧。

7.Car can help our to save the time to do anything, but it's dangers for every one, it's use a lots of money to get it and wase petrolem.汽车可以帮助我们节省时间做任何事情,但是它的每一个危险,它的使用大量的钱得到它和瓦塞煅。

8.No expense of heat treatment, and save the time for heat treatment.无需热处理费用。节省热处理所需时间。

9.In order to save the time, please ahead of time prepare for, thanks your support and the coordination.为节省时间,请提前做好准备,谢谢您的支持与配合。

10.It can abate patients pain and save the time of doctors and patients.大幅度降低患者的痛苦,节省大夫和病人的宝贵时间。