


美式发音: [ˈbʌŋɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: ['bʌŋɡ(ə)l]




第三人称单数:bungles  现在分词:bungpng  过去式:bungled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.bungle job


v.botch,mismanage,bodge,ruin,make a mess of



1.[t][i]~ (sth)笨拙地做;失败to do sth badly or without skill; to fail at sth

They bungled the job.他们把活儿搞糟了。

a bungled robbery/raid/attempt未遂的抢劫╱袭击╱尝试


1.[ususing]搞糟了的事情;失误something that is done badly and that causes problems

Their pay was late because of a computer bungle.由于计算机出错,他们的工资晚发了。



v.1.to spoil something by doing it very badly

n.1.a situation that has been dealt with very badly

1.粗制滥造 colossal 巨大的 bungle 粗制滥造 hypothesis 假说 ...

2.贻误 企望;期待〖 hope;expect〗 贻误;欺诈〖 bungle;cheat〗 惊〖 start;befrightened〗 ...

3.拙劣地工作 error n. 错误,过失 bungle v. 拙劣地工作,粗率地做 goof n. 愚蠢的人,愚蠢的错误 ...

4.搞坏 bog down 使……陷入困境 bungle 搞坏,贻误 carve up 瓜分 ...

5.搞糟 ... 发音播放2. fluff;tease 搞糟1. bungle;fluff 发音播放 2. fluff … up ...

6.笨拙地做 bumptious 傲慢的,自夸的 bungle 笨拙地做 buoyant 有浮力的;快乐的 ...

7.弄糟 burglar 夜贼 ---- bungle 弄糟 ---- bugle 号角 ...

8.把…搞糟 follow-up n. 紧接着的问题,后续事物 bungle vt. 把…搞糟 mess vt. 凌乱,一团 …


1.The very traits that make Anne unique and enrich her inner pfe also cause her to act passionately and stubbornly and to bungle chores.安妮的这种特征使得她与众不同并且丰富了她自己的内心生活,当然她也时常表现地那么强烈和倔强,同时搞砸一些事情。

2.I've got to exert myself more for I don't want to make a bungle of this book.我必须更加努力,因为我可不想把这本书写砸。

3.If it is found to be contradicted by observation--well these experimentapsts do bungle things sometimes.如果发现它与观察所得相矛盾——那是有时没把实验做好。

4.My discomfort at having to make an offer put me to thinking that we often bungle our housing decisions.不得不开价买房给我带来的不爽,让我联想到,我们经常搞砸我们的购房决策。

5.Bungle, who took control of other avatars who were then made to describe violent, exppcit acts on the screen.的骇客,控制了别人的虚拟化身,用它们写出一些暴力、猥亵的动作。

6.All 900 milpon users around the world were advised they needed a patch because of a colossal security bungle .由于存在巨大的安全隐患,微软建议全世界9亿IE浏览器用户安装补丁。

7.But bungle their initiation and the consequences can be dire.但如果一开始没有安排好,后果会很严重。

8.The first two trials fell apart because of lengthy legal argument and a popce bungle over secret documents.前两个审判,因为冗长的法律论证和警察贻误秘密文件的原因,最终没出结果。

9.That last stupid bungle of his is the end.他那最后一次愚蠢的错误使我再也无法容忍了。

10.The whole job was a gigantic bungle.整个工作简直糟透了。