


美式发音: [ˈtʃɑpər] 英式发音: [ˈtʃɒpə(r)]







1.[c](informal)大砍刀;小斧头a large heavy knife or small axe

2.[c](特制的)前轮伸出式摩托车a type of motorcycle with a very long piece of metal connecting the front wheel to the handlebars




n.1.a hepcopter2.a type of motorcycle3.a heavy knife with a large square blade for cutting meat

1.乔巴 Chong 虫宝 chopper 乔巴 Chopper (果果) ...

2.斩波器 choke coil 扼流线圈 chopper 斩波器 chrome 铬 ...

3.直升机 hepcopeter 直升机 chopper 直升机「美」 transport plane 运输机 ...

4.断路器 architect n. 建筑师 chopper n. 断路器 ppper n. 涟漪, 浪花 ...

5.斩出个未来女作《城堡》(The Castle),他为了演好《斩出个未来》(Chopper)里恶名昭著的罪犯Read一角,不惜增肥30磅,甚至 …

6.切碎机 Drehmesser 旋转刀具 Chopper 切碎机 Haushaltsgeraet 家用电器 ...

7.截波器 598 抗流线圈 choking coil 600 截波器 chopper 601 短急浪 chopping sea ...

8.菜刀 hatchet 短柄小斧 chopper 斧头 菜刀 hammer 榔头 音槌锤打 ...


1.Is begging his father to leave his motorbike in his garage after he was knocked off his chopper and nearly killed in a recent accident.在最近一次事故中从摩托车跌下几乎丧命之后,他恳求父亲将他的摩托车留在车库里。

2.Current hysteresis compensation being used in low speed. Single chopper modulation compensation has been used in high-speed.在低速时采用电流滞环进行补偿,高速时采用单斩波调制方式进行补偿。

3.The crowds did not know which hepcopter he was in, so they waved and shouted "Bye-bye, George" at any chopper that passed over them.由于人们不知道他乘坐的是哪架,便向头上飞过的每架飞机挥手大喊:“别了,乔治!”

4.Most of the cast have had rather subtle redesigns, Franky looks the most dramatic, and Chopper doesn't look as if he's been changed at all.大多数角色都进行了细微地重新设计,弗兰奇看起来最具有戏剧性。乔巴一点都看不出他有什么变化。

5.So far, however, government response to his chopper project has been underwhelming to say the least.不过,政府对他的直升机计划的反应可以说一直是冷淡。

6.If your opponent takes the bait and sends his tengus to the ground, trounce him with your other Chopper VX that are still in the sky.如果对手中了圈套派他的天狗从地面上来,用你其他的VX机甲在天上痛宰它们吧。

7.All four appeared to be in good condition as they were brought by chopper to the command post and taken to ambulances.在被直升机带到搜救指挥部及救护车上时,所有人看起来都不错。

8.Here comes a candle to pght you to bed, here comes a chopper to chop off your head.蜡烛点燃时你该上床睡觉去,当心刀斧要你的命。

9.Chopper cleaning the bathroom easy to rust, especially in summer, cut tomatoes and other acidic foods, more rusty knife.斩波清洁,尤其是在夏天,浴室容易生锈,切番茄和其他酸性食物,更生锈的刀。

10.Just as they are about to board the chopper, Kim runs toward the water tower to get Rick.就在他们准备登上直升机时,金姆跑向水塔去找里克。