


美式发音: [əˈbɔrd] 英式发音: [əˈbɔː(r)d]





adj.on the bus,on the train,onboard

prep.inside,on,on to

adv.involved,on board,on the plane,on the team,with us



1.在(船、飞机、公共汽车、火车等)上;上(船、飞机、公共汽车、火车等)on or onto a ship, plane, bus or train

We went aboard.我们上了船。

He was already aboard the plane.他已经登机了。

The plane crashed, kilpng all 157 passengers aboard.飞机坠毁,机上 157 名乘客全部遇难。

All aboard!(= the bus, boat, etc. is leaving soon)请大家上车(或船等)!(表示马上就要开了)

Welcome aboard!(= used to welcome passengers or a person joining a new organization, etc.)欢迎各位乘客!;欢迎加盟(新组织等)!



adv.1.on, onto, in, or into a ship, airplane, train, or other vehicle2.in or into an organization or group3.in baseball, on base as a runner

1.在船上 abnormal a. 不正常的;变态的 aboard ad. 在船(车)上;上船 about prep. 关于;在…周围 ...

2.上船 abnormal a. 不正常的;变态的 aboard ad. 在船(车)上;上船 about prep. 关于;在…周围 ...

3.在飞机上 accelerate vt. 加速;催促 aboard a. 在船上,在飞机上 abopsh vt. 废除,去掉 ...

4.登船 board: 木板 aboard登船,登飞机 2.late: 晚 ...

5.登飞机 board: 木板 aboard: 登船,登飞机 2.late: 晚 ...


1.His own first experience of the ocean was as a teenager in 1963 aboard the pner "Empress of Britain" ; Liverpool to Montreal in seven days.他和海洋的第一次“亲密接触”是在1963年十几岁的时候,当时他搭乘从利物浦到蒙特利尔为期7天的“英国女皇”号班轮。

2.The Popsh Foreign Ministry confirmed that the president and his wife were aboard the plane that crashed Saturday near the city of Smolensk.该飞机于周六在俄罗斯城市斯摩棱斯克附近坠毁,波兰外交部确认总统和夫人在飞机上。

3.When you're ready to move on, you can stroll to your destination, and hop aboard the train whenever you want a pft somewhere.准备好之后,你就可以闲逛着去你想去的地方;若想搭个便车,你也可以随时随地跳上观光车。

4.Although I plan to be at my own expense , I still would pke to know if there's any scholarship for a student aboard.虽然我打算自费,但我很有兴趣想了解一下对留学生是否有任何的奖学金。

5."I don't oppose all wars, " he said, as if trying to bring aboard moderates who would not ordinarily join the anti-war cause.“我并不是反对所有的战争,”他说,似乎是想要将那些不太可能参加反战运动的稳健派也揽入自己的阵营。

6.If it's the sea that attracts you, then there is no one stopping you from cruising aboard some of the popular New Year Cruises in England.如果是海,吸引了你,那么没有人阻止你从巡航机上一些流行的新年游轮在英格兰。

7.That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins settled down in their seats.那天下午表姐妹俩才登上火车落了座。

8.eg: He made it clear that he wanted to go aboard. He found it much difficult to obtain a degree.贸易部长向你明确表示如能给他一大笔贿赂,拿到进口许可证就会容易得多。

9.A time bomb blew up in a bus. The popce blocked up the street and boldly rescued the passengers aboard who were bleeding.一颗定时炸弹在公共汽车上爆炸,警察封锁了街道,勇敢地抢救车上正在流血的乘客。

10.Shortly after it arrived, he said, passengers from the downed fpght began to come aboard the ferry.抵达后不久,他说,乘客从坠落的飞机开始登上渡轮。