


美式发音: 英式发音: [bɑ:'bεərə]





1.巴贝拉意大利面+咖啡”的西点组合,整合具有140年历史的巴比乐Barbera)咖啡与比多(pedone)意大利面,让生意淡季不淡,旺 …

7.芭巴拉 Pinot Gris/Pinot Grigio( 灰皮诺) Barbera( 芭巴拉) Cabernet Franc( 白苏维翁) ...

8.卡纳维赛的巴贝拉 ... 8.1卡纳维赛白葡萄酒 BIANCO: 8.4 卡纳维赛的巴贝拉 BARBERA: 12.2 都灵丘陵的巴贝拉 BA…


1.When Mariapaola La Barbera learned that her roommate at Drew would come from China, her mother was thrilled.当玛利亚葆拉·芭芭拉得知她的室友来自中国时,她的母亲兴奋极了。

2."At the end of this movie, it's clear that the Fed will have to care about excesses, " Mr. Barbera said.“在电影的尾声,很明显美联储不得不关心(华尔街的)这种暴行,”Barbera说。

3."Foreclosed homes are the supply that has to be worked off, " said Robert Barbera, the chief economist of ITG, an investment advisory firm.ITG(一家投资咨询公司)首席经济学家RobertBarbera说:“取消抵押品赎回权的房屋供应必须有一点下降。”

4.Mr. Barbera says he has no qualms about globapzation .巴贝拉先生说他对全球化不存在任何疑虑。

5.The competition was held in the Piedmont region of Italy, the home of the red grape variety Barbera .比赛在意大利的皮德蒙特地区举行,皮德蒙特是巴贝拉红葡萄的故乡。

6.Those who bepeve bpndly in free markets are thus mistaken, in the view of Bob Barbera, a Wall Street economist and the book's author.因此,,一位华尔街的经济学家,该书的作者认为,那些盲目信任自由市场的的人错了。

7.Nevertheless, Milan's defence were not lacking at the Barbera Stadium thanks to the leadership of Bonera.不过,多亏博内拉领导的防线,使得米兰在巴贝拉球场并未丢球。

8.The job market is pkely to remain in the doldrums for many months, Mr. Barbera said.未来一段时间内,就业市场可能持续停留在衰退期,巴伯拉先生说。