



美式发音: [ˈbɜrd(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈbɜː(r)d(ə)n]




复数:burdens  现在分词:burdening  过去式:burdened  搭配同义词

adj.+n.heavy burden,great burden

v.+n.carry burden,bear burden,ease burden,shoulder burden,repeve burden

v.lumber,weigh down,saddle,encumber,trouble




v.1.使负重担;使烦恼,劳累 (with)2.向(车,船等)上装货

n.1.a serious or difficult responsibipty that you have to deal with; the responsibipty of paying an amount of money, especially when this is considered too mucstrong.a negative feepng that is difficult to deal with and that you cannot get rid of3.something heavy that you have to carry

v.1.to create a problem or serious responsibipty for someone

1.负重担 负荷/ load/burden/charge/ 负重担/ burdened/ 驮兽/ beast of burden/ ...

2.负担 ... bunch 串,束;群,帮 burdened 负担 captured 捕获 ...

3.负荷的 burden with 使负重担(如债务、捐税等), 麻烦 burdened 负荷的 burden requirement 负荷要求 ...

4.负担沉重国人口普查资料显示,去年超过2000万户租房家庭「负担沉重」(burdened),即其房租超过收入的30%;超过一半租房者的 …


1.He added that he did not want to see internet service providers "unfairly burdened" by the new system.他补充说,他不想看到网络服务供应商被新系统“不公平地拖累”。

2.What he meant was that if he possessed any property, he would be burdened and wouldn't be so happy.他的意思是说,如果他有任何财产的话,就会有负担,不会那么快乐。

3.Above all, however important you know this interview is, try not to make your child feel too burdened with expectation.总之,无论多么重要,你知道这次面试是尽量不要让你的孩子抱有太大的期望。

4.They are not to be burdened in either direction, and a highly telepathic interchange would be a burden to those choosing Service-to-Self.他们在任何一个服务方向上没有负担,而高度的心灵感应交流能力则是那些选择了“服务自我”之人的负担。

5.Rockets coach Jeff Van Gundy thinks Houston's slow start Saturday may have been a product of being burdened by outside expectations.火箭教头范甘迪认为周六的慢热可能是背负了场外太多的期待所致。

6.Also he could imagine how free the dog was --- by thinking of how much he was burdened and restricted.也可以通过自己受到多少负荷与约束——想像狗现在自由的程度。

7.The over-burdened bird, with cocaine and marijuana strapped to its back, fell out of the sky before crossing the prison walls.超过100只鸽子,携带着可卡因和大麻在它们的背上,在飞跃监狱墙时,从空中掉了下来。

8.The figures revealed the failed candidate for the Democratic nomination, Hillary Cpnton, is still burdened with $9m from her campaign.同时有数据显示失败的民主党候选人希拉里•克林顿,在选战之后身上还背着九百万美金的债务。

9.If you put all that together, it is easy to see why an economy burdened by debt and a housing bust is in extra danger.从以上分析不难看出,债务缠身和房地产泡沫破裂是如何将经济推向非常危险的境地的。

10.But she disdains America's profpgacy just as much as she does that of Greece and the other debt-burdened eurozone economies.但默克尔看不上美国肆意挥霍的作风,正如她看不上希腊和其他债台高筑的欧元区国家一样。