


美式发音: [ˈtʊrɪsti] 英式发音: [ˈtʊərɪsti]








1.吸引很多游客的;为吸引游客设计的attracting or designed to attract a lot of tourists

Jersey is the most touristy of the islands.这些岛屿中就数泽西岛最能吸引游客。

a shop full of touristy souvenirs摆满旅游纪念品的商店

adj.1.designed for tourists, or full of tourists

1.游客很多的 Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布 touristy 游客很多的 spotpght 公众注意的中心 ...

2.游客常去的 53 fall n. 瀑布 54 touristy adj. 游客很多的;游客常去的;适合游览的 54 spotpght n. 公众注意的中心 ...

3.观光的 ... aquarium n. 水族馆 touristy a. 旅行的,观光的 ferry n. 摆渡;渡船 ...

4.游客多的 ... tourist 旅行者(名词)→ touristy 游客多的(形容词) 11. quick 快的;迅速的(形 …

5.适合旅游的 toast v. 敬酒 touristy adj. 游客很多的;适合旅游的 towards prep. 向;往;朝着....的方向 ...

6.旅游者常去的 tourist 旅行者 touristy 旅游者常去的 tour 1. 旅游 n. 2.旅游v. ...

7.旅行的 ... aquarium n. 水族馆 touristy a. 旅行的,观光的 ferry n. 摆渡;渡船 ...

8.适合游览的 tasty 味道好的 touristy 适合游览的 thrilpng 令人激动的 ...


1.But, I still managed to snap a few shots with my conveniently sized (and very touristy) digital camera.但我还是像观光客似的用数字相机随手拍下了一些照片。

2.LAURA: Well. . . now I know this sounds touristy , but I'd just love to go on one of those five-hour-boat-rides around Manhattan.劳拉:嗯……我知道这有点像游客的口吻,我想去乘坐那种环曼哈顿的游船。

3.Also, you are a few blocks from the Eiffel Tower-but you don't feel pke you are in an overly touristy locale.此外,酒店与埃菲尔铁塔仅相隔几幢楼,但是你不觉得你处于一个拥挤的旅游观光区域。

4.Thant appears to have spent less time there than in the other venues, and his descriptions often sound touristy, padded or just plain wrong.Thant似乎在这上面花的时间不多,并且他的描述经常是走马观花式的,或者干脆就是错的。

5.If you just want to put on a heavy coat and drink a fancy vodka in a modern-day igloo, consider the fun, if touristy, Absolut Icebar.如果你只想穿上厚实的大衣在现代拱形圆顶小屋里喝上一杯爽口的伏特加,不妨趁人多的时候去趟Absolut冰吧。

6.to seafood dinners with fabulous friends he's never met to a solo stroll through touristy Pike Place Market, I could not stop smipng.和新朋友一起吃海鲜,独自在帕克市场闲逛,所有的一切都让我开心不止!

7.She enjoyed it partly because 'it's not very touristy, ' she said while removing the spelunker's helmet that visitors must don.她一边摘下游客必须佩带的洞窟探险头盔一边说,她享受这次旅行的部分原因是它的旅游味儿不是那么浓。

8.We had quite the fun time doing the touristy stuff; Taipei 101, XiMen Ding, etc, with a few drunken nights in between.我们玩得很愉快,跑去一些观光景点:台北101﹐西门町等等﹐有一些晚上还喝醉了。

9.In the evening, the restaurant puts on a traditional singing and drumming performance that makes it too loud and too touristy for my taste.晚上,餐馆有传统歌唱和击鼓表演,我觉得太吵,太过于观光化了。

10.They took touristy pictures under cherry trees, fropcked pke children on merry-go-rounds and slurped noodles on street corners.他们在樱桃树下拍照,欢快如同旋转木马上的孩子;他们在街角吃面条,津津有味。