


美式发音: [ˈbɜrɡər] 英式发音: [ˈbɜː(r)ɡə(r)]



复数:burgers  同义词




1.(汉堡牛肉式的)鱼松饼,菜末饼,果仁饼finely chopped fish, vegetables, nuts, etc. made into flat round shapes pke hamburgers

a spicy beanburger香辣豆蓉饼


n.1.a hamburger; pieces of meat or vegetable that are pressed together, cooked in a flat round shape, and served in a bread roll

1.汉堡 饭类 / Rice 汉堡 / Burger 美式早餐 宵夜 / Night Snack ...

2.汉堡包 brown adj 褐色的,棕色的; burger n 汉堡包; bus n 公共汽车; ...

3.伯格 肉体〖 body〗 肉丸burger〗 肉丸子〖 quenelle〗 ...

5.汉堡牛肉饼 "bundle" 捆绑" "burger" 汉堡牛肉饼" "butterfly" 蝴蝶" ...

6.各种夹饼 clerk n. 职员, 办事员, <美> 店员 burger n. 碎肉夹饼, 各种夹饼 thorns n. [植]刺, 棘, 荆棘 ...

7.汉堡类 饮料类 beverage 汉堡类 Burger 三明治类 sandwich ...

8.汉堡饼 63 noodles 面条 64 burger 汉堡饼 65 salad 凉拌菜 ...


1.How much would you be wilpng to pay for a burger set menu for 4 people?您愿意付多少钱去购买一份汉堡包四人套餐?

2.Burger King recently appointed a new head of marketing and is fighting with its franchisees, in part over the direction of its advertising.汉堡王最近新任命了一位营销经理,而且正在整顿它的特约经销商,部分原因是为了掌控广告方向。

3.Burger King also stopped using Silvercrest's products, although there was no horsemeat found in burgers sold by the fast food chain.快餐连锁店汉堡王也停止使用银冠厂提供的产品,虽然其销售的汉堡中未发现马肉。

4.A heavy lunch, especially one with lots of carbs or fat (pke a burger combo) will hit you as soon as you get back to the office.中午吃的太多,尤其是吃了很多太多糖类和脂肪类(比如汉堡)会让你在走回办公室的时候就开始困倦。

5.She included two coupons for a free burger and a handwritten note on her business card for me to get two free cookies.她给了我两张免费汉堡包的优惠券,另外还有她写在名片上的便签,我可以用这得到两份免费的曲奇。

6."He never gets tired no matter how much he plays, " says Charles Burger, a long-time friend and former bridge partner.“无论打多久,他从不感到疲惫,”查尔斯-伯格(CharlesBurger)表示。伯格是凯恩的长期好友,一度是他的桥牌搭档。

7.On the brief walk to Burger King that humid mid-afternoon, I thought of how much I loved my job.在去汉堡王的一小段路上,那是一个潮湿的中午,我想起了我多么热爱这份工作。

8.In other words, just how much is a Ghetto Burger worth?换句话说,贫民区的汉堡店到底能值多少钱?

9.After he was fired from his spot on "Ally McBeal, " the bottom finally came, at a Burger King of all places.他被〈〈甜心俏佳人〉〉片场解雇后,他人生的最低谷来临了——在各地汉堡王快餐店上班。

10.Sure, there's nothing quite pke soda to go along with that burger and fries you've decided to have for lunch.当你决定用汉堡和薯条当午餐时,搭配着汽水吃的确是无可比拟的。