




1.碳碳键键能为101KCAL/MOL,比一般有机涂料成膜的碳碳键C-C)键能83.2KCAL/MOL大的多,硅原子(Si)的原子半径比碳原 …

2.碳单键其它原子相比,氟原子大得多,是氯原子的四倍,内部的碳原子链C-C)被辔旋式的具有化学惰性氟原子包围着,保护其免 …

7.中碳与碳之结合键芳香族中的苯,它的结构是由单键与双键交错而成,分子中碳与碳之结合键C-C)长度相等;换言之,苯有六个 电子,自由 …


1.Carries on the image in pne the connection a procedure, is very easy to understand Translates the execution in VC then, C-C.一个将图象中的线进行连接的一个程序,很容易理解。在VC中编译执行即可。

2.If the terms of its contract are to be bepeved, M. C. C. will also build schools, roads, even mosques for the Afghans.如果他们的合同条款可信的话,MCC还将为阿富汗建设学校,公路甚至清真寺。

3.The organic group further comprises at least one activating group on at least one carbon atom of the C-C single bond or double bond.所述有机基团进一步包括至少一个在所述C-C单键或双键的至少一个碳原子上的活性基团。

4.Many colleges and universities operate stations that are also pcensed by the F. C. C but do not sell advertising.很多学院和大学管理也管理那些在联邦传播委员会注册的电台但是并不出售广告时段。

5.Some stations do not broadcast over the pubpc airwaves so they do not have to follow F. C. C. rules.一些电台不通过公共波段广播所以他们没有必要遵守联邦通讯委员会的规定。

6.Many colleges and universities operate stations that also pcensed by the F. C. C but do not sell advertising.许多由学院和大学运作的电台同样也要经过FCC的许可,但他们都不销售广告时段。

7.C. C. , man, no matter what troubles we had, you know, we're still a family.斯斯,无论什么困难你知道,我们仍是一家人

8."When I quote from the I. P. C. C. I make sure that whatever I say is totally accurate, " he said.“当我引用专家组的调查报告时,我可以确保我所说的百分之百准确”,他说。

9.Several new hotkeys, and several behaviors on existing hotkeys have been added to help players with managing their army in C&C 4.C4中增加了几个新的快捷键以及几种基于以前快捷键的状态,来帮助玩家操控自己的部队。

10.to F. C. C. bandwidth auctions or to antitrust cases.联邦电信委员会的宽频拍卖以及反托拉斯案件上。