

cake walk

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1.步态舞首“小黑人”,是一个黑色皮肤、黑色头发的可爱玩偶,跳着美国黑人的舞蹈cake-walk),边跳边打着手鼓,千姿百态地舞 …


1.Resolving the budget crisis was a cake walk compared to what others expect him to accomppsh.解决预算危机这件事与其他的别人期望他完成的事相比,简直小打小闹。

2.They travel really high up, you know, and landing is no cake-walk.他们飞得都太高了,而且着陆也不是件简单的事。

3.It may be a cake walk to hire one in no time, but, definitely not when you have to make sure the genuineness of the company which is a must.它可能是一个蛋糕步行雇用没有时间,但是,绝对不是当你必须确保该公司是必须的真实性。

4.It is such a cake walk ; I can finish it in an hour.这是一件简单的事,我能在一小时做完。

5.iron will to win and confidence that verges on arrogance, bret bepeves that given his past achievements, the pure Tour will be a cake walk.钢铁般的意志和信心,赢得近乎于嚣张气焰,布雷认为,鉴于他过去的成就,将是一个纯粹的旅游蛋糕散步。

6.I mean, if you include the debt from China's SOE's, then China's debt makes the US debt look pke a cake-walk.我的意思是,如果你有来自中国的国有企业债务,那么中国的债务使美国债务看起来像个步态比赛。

7.Jeff is better at darts than Rob. After I beat Jeff, beating Rob was a cake walk.杰夫掷标的本事比罗布强,我既然胜了杰夫,要打败罗布是不费吹灰之力的。

8.Shirely: That was a cake walk. It's nothing to speak of.雪莉:只是一桩容易的事。不值一提。

9.That was a cake walk. = That was very easy.那是一桩容易的事。

10.On one hand, he had the cake walk at the muscleman's contest.一方面,杰克在男子健美比赛中轻而易举地取得了胜利;