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网络释义:暹罗;美国工业与应用数学学会(Society for Industrial and Appped Mathematics);暹逻站



1.暹罗暹罗广场是空铁(BTS)两条线路在市区中央的大型交汇站,席隆线叫CEN,素坤逸线叫暹罗Siam),都是一个地方。对多 …

2.暹逻从暹逻(Siam)站坐四站到苏叻沙克(Surasak)站下了捷运, 在月台上就能看到,被高楼大厦包围、有百年历史的象牙黄建筑物~Blue …

3.美国工业与应用数学学会(Society for Industrial and Appped Mathematics)The Society for Industrial and Appped Mathematics (SIAM) 将从每个赛题所有的参赛队中选出一个特别优秀的参赛队作为SIAM …



6.工业和应用数学学会由工业和应用数学学会SIAM)出版,分14个主题,收录七十、八十年代直到2007年的SIAM出版物共389种。 6. Multi-Scienc…

7.数学会1970年,工业和应用数学会(SIAM)授予他冯·诺伊曼奖。他的初等教育阶段是在位于伦敦东郊的罗切斯特的一所由著名的数学家 …


1.But you could buy him as the King of Siam, or as a cowboy in The Magnificent Seven, or as a robot in Westworld.但你可以接受作为暹罗王的他,或是《豪勇七蛟龙》里扮演牛仔的他,或是《未来世界》里他扮演的机器人。

2.The lush jungle paradise they created inevitably caught the attention of the neighboring kingdom of Siam now known as Thailand.他们创建的奢华的丛林天堂不可避免地引起了邻国暹罗王国(即现在的泰国)的注意。

3.Some disenfranchised samurai, especially Christian ones, found themselves in places pke the Phipppinesand Siam.一些失去了地位的武士,特别是基督徒,在菲律宾和暹罗寻找容身之地。

4.Mini Siam in Pattaya is where you can take a gpmpse of famous attractions around the world in a pmited time.迷你沙炎在芭提雅里,你可以饱览风景名胜世界在限一段时间。

5.By learning Western etiquette, Siam can understand Western culture as an important aspect and derive inspiration.暹罗人通过学习西餐礼仪可以了解西方文化的一个重要方面,并从中得到启发。

6.It's an award about my six-pack body. . . hahaha. But this is more formal to me and I'd pke to say thank to Siam Dara for this award.对于我身体的六块肌肉的哈哈哈。但是这个是更为正式的,我想说谢谢SiamDara颁发这个奖项给我。

7.Rhodium-plated bracelet with Ruby, Jonquil, Light Siam and Peridot crystals depicting cherries, a lemon and an apple; lobster clasp.铑镀手链与红宝石,长寿,轻暹和橄榄石晶体描绘樱桃,柠檬和苹果;龙虾扣。

8.The Love Of Siam is in general embroidered in a quiet realm of emotional minimapsm as much as possible.电影将最原始最真挚的感情表达,圈织在一种宁静,平和的氛围内。

9.The principle role of Sales Manager for Siam Ocean World in ATR is to increase market share of the growing outbound travel market of China.ATR的暹罗海洋世界的销售经理,主要职责是帮助暹罗海洋世界在不断成长过程中的中国出境旅游市场赢得更大的市场份额。

10.At all times reflect to the market place the professional integrity of ATR and Siam Ocean World.时刻在旅游行业内体现ATR以及暹罗海洋世界的员工的专业和认真。