


美式发音: [kəˈlɪpsoʊ] 英式发音: [kəˈlɪpsəʊ]






1.卡利普索民歌(以时事为主题,流行于加勒比海地区);卡利普索音乐a Caribbean song about a subject of current interest; this type of music


n.1.a type of Caribbean song, often one that deals with poptics in a humorous way

1.卡吕普索卫十三(Telesto)-土卫三(Tethys)-土卫十四(Calypso)和土卫十二(Helene)-土卫四(Dione)-土卫三十( Polydeuces ) 。

5.加里普索 和“彷徨的灵魂”" Wandering Soul" 号专门写了一首歌“加里普索”" Calypso" “鲸之歌”" Whale Song" ...

6.加力索 03 Windsong 风之歌 3:58 04 Calypso 海中女神 3:34 05 I’m Sorry 对不起 3:30 ...

8.卡里普索号同时,他还主理卡里普索号Calypso)航船的修复工作,这是传奇海洋先驱雅克-伊夫•库斯托(Jacques-Yves Cousteau)的 …


1.The original plan was to use nine pieces of eight to bind Calypso. But when the First Court met, the Brethren were to a one skint broke.原本是准备用九样宝物来封印女海神的,可是怎奈第一工会召开时,海盗们个个都穷的要死

2.Calypso is a traditional performing art form of music and rap originated in Trinidad and Tobago and spreads widely in the Caribbean Islands.“卡利普索小调”是殖民时期发源于特多的一种说唱艺术,随后在加勒比诸岛广泛流行。

3.And from the parading samba schools in Rio to the calypso tents on Trinidad, the art form most identified with carnival is that of music.而从在里约游行桑巴舞学校在特立尼达的卡里普索帐篷,大部分的艺术形式与狂欢确定是音乐。

4.Smart money says the plot will revolve around Calypso , the Goddess of the Sea whom Davy Jones falls in love with.消息灵通人士则声称电影情节将主要围绕海上女神卡吕普索展开,戴维·琼斯会爱上她。

5.Calypso as a folk tradition has been further developed after Trinidad and Tobago and other Islands became independent.加勒比诸岛独立后,“卡利普索”作为一种传统保留下来,并有进一步继承和发展。

6.It mirrors the islands' two major ethnicities by combining Afro-Trini calypso music with Indian rhythms.藉由结合非裔居民的卡里布索音乐和印度的节奏,反映出当地两大族群的特色。

7.This oddly shaped object is Saturn's moon Calypso, brought to pght in a new high-resolution picture released March 26, 2010.实际上,照片上这一形态怪异的物体是土星的卫星卡里普索。

8.That's OK, because selpng discs isn't Calypso's main source of income.没事,因为卖唱片并非Calypso的主要收入来源。

9.Soca is a kind of dance music formed by adding persistent beats to calypso music.索加是一种在卡里布索中加入持续性节奏的舞曲。