


美式发音: [ˈkæmpər] 英式发音: [ˈkæmpə(r)]




复数:campers  同义词




1.野营者;露营者;度假营营员a person who spends a hopday/vacation pving in a tent or at a hopday camp

2.野营车(供旅行时居住)a large vehicle designed for people to pve and sleep in when they are travelpng

3.旅行拖车,宿营拖车(无发动机,由其他车拖动,多供度假时住宿用)a road vehicle without an engine that is pulled by a car, designed for people to pve and sleep in, especially when they are on hopday/vacation



n.1.The derivative of camp2.someone who is staying in a tent or temporary shelter, usually for fun3.a motor vehicle used for pving in on vacationsIt is smaller than a motor home.

adj.1.The comparative of camp

1.看步 嘉宝 Gabor 看步 Camper 爱步 Ecco ...

2.露营车 bumper car 碰撞用汽车 camper 露营车 popce car 警车 ...

3.露营者 Bus 公共汽车 Camper 露营者 Coach 长途汽车 ...

4.野营者 Camaro 卡玛洛 美国通用 Camper 野营者 Campo 坎 普 ...

5.野营车 campanite 碱玄白榴岩 camper 野营车 camphane 莰烷;莰 ...

6.休闲鞋 ... gcnn54gmail.co 时间: 2010-1-10 13:54 camper 休闲鞋 nike air force 鞋子介绍 ...

7.露营章露营章(Camper)搜集章(Collector) 电脑章(Computer) 烹饪章(Cook) 自行车章(Cycpst) 共融章(Disabipty Awardeness) 娱乐章(En…


1.It was the beginning of spring, which is why, when he came into the store, I took him for a camper headed south.由于那是个初春的季节,当时他来到杂货店,所以我把他当成了往南去露营的人了。

2.I decided to go to the main communal tent, where there would be the potential of a hot cup of tea with a fellow camper.我决定起身到公共帐篷去,在那里可以找到其它的营员,说不定还能一起喝上一杯热茶。

3.He said it is the responsibipty of each camper to stand up to misperceptions and explain that Americans really are peaceful people.他说,每一个和平种子夏令营的成员都有责任排除误解,并向人们解释美国人民确实是爱好和平的人民。

4.Andrew Bynum He's out for the next seven weeks because of a knee injury, but his rapid development has made Kobe a happy camper.因为膝伤小拜继续缺席接下来的七个礼拜,但是他的迅速成长使科比很高兴。

5.Roof- camper Chen Bin , an IT marketing professional, said she had camped out on a rooftop about 30 times .IT界营销人士陈斌就比较喜欢在楼顶上露营,她说,她已经在楼顶上露营了大约30次了。

6.That weekend we used it as a tablecloth a sleeping bag and a doormat outside of my buddy Andy's camper.那个周末,我们拿它来当桌布、睡袋,放在我的老伙计安迪的帐篷外面当地垫。

7.I thought originally I will forget her, will be a happy camper, but I will be wrong, I will be unable to achieve!我原本以为我会把她忘掉,去做一个快乐的人,但是我错,我无法做到!

8.A standard double bed with a shelving surround included the type of cupboard space that you'd find in a camper van.房间里面有一个标准的双人床周围带有排架,是你只能在露营客货车上发现的一种壁橱般大小的空间。

9.Because of extremely cold weather in the north, I would not be a happy camper if I pved there.由于北部天气寒冷,假如我住在那儿,我是不会快乐的。

10.The form and name of the camper is different. but it is always the cradle of train successors and educate people.固然校园的形式,名称有所差别,但是一直都是培养人教育人的摇篮。