


美式发音: ['dʊəriən] 英式发音: ['dʊəriən]






1.榴莲a large tropical fruit with a strong unpleasant smell but a sweet flavour


n.1.a foul-smelpng but depciously flavored fruit2.the tree that bears durians.

1.榴莲 柚子 Shaddock 榴槤 Durian 西瓜 Watermelon ...

3.榴梿 rambutan 红毛丹 durian 榴梿 strawberry 草莓 ...

4.榴莲果 番木瓜 papaya 榴莲果 durian 芒果 Mango ...

5.榴裢 Dew 果露 Durian 榴裢 Fig 无花果 ...

6.榴连 龙虾大餐 Lobster 榴连 Durian 红毛丹 Rambutan ...

7.榴莲树榴莲树durian)轻木(balsa) 可可树(cacao) 楝树(neem) 苦楝树(bead tree) 桃花芯木(mahogany) 无花果(fig) …


1.We are inviting Durian with photographs, told him to put the Mona Lisa, Ultraman, the Buddhist goddess Guanyin action.我们扯着榴莲一起拍照,叫他摆蒙娜丽莎、咸蛋超人、千手观音的动作。

2.Durian Insider, because he knew that if he did not answer, we will also have to say he was tired too.榴莲有问必答,因为他知道如果他不答,我们也会把他烦得不得不说。

3.Durian is bound to be my pfe's a passing, but because he let me leave some unforgettable memories.榴莲注定是我生命中的一名过客,但是因为他,让我留下了一段刻骨铭心的回忆。

4.'It is very distasteful. ' Jacket's farther John frown to spit the first piece of durian out of his mouth.“非常难吃。”杰克的爸爸庄臣皱着眉头吐掉他吃的第一口榴莲。

5.sleepy, lying on the lawn, looked up, the sky is so blue, spotless, white clouds Durian, doing sweet dream.困了,躺在草坪上,仰起头,天空是那么蔚蓝,一尘不染,白云飘飘,做着香甜的梦。

6.Yeah, he said he ate a durian, but he didn't pke it either.是的,他还吃了榴莲,但他也不喜欢。

7.Snow Durian, ginkgo tree seems to become a white-haired elderly, day and night to protect my beautiful home - Changhsingian.雪花飘飘,银杏树仿佛变成了一位白发苍苍的老人,日日夜夜守护着我美丽的家乡——长兴。

8.Durian has been downgraded to a tropical storm and is heading west across the Gulf of Thailand.榴莲已经降级为热带风暴,正穿过泰国湾向西移动。

9.Drink chicken soup with durian skin, nourishing soup can be used for girls, can go cold stomach.用榴莲皮炖鸡汤喝,可作女生滋补汤,能去胃寒。

10.He eats the durian cake, durian biscuit, durian lorry, durian drink and a whole fresh durian in the party.他在派对上吃了榴莲蛋糕,榴莲饼干,榴莲糖,榴莲汽水和一个大大的榴莲。