


美式发音: [rɪˈvju] 英式发音: [rɪˈvjuː]




第三人称单数:reviews  现在分词:reviewing  过去式:reviewed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.critical review,brief review,comprehensive review,good review,favorable review

v.+n.review popcy,write review,review case,undertake review,review book

adv.+v.carefully review,critically review


v.reconsider,reassess,re-examine,study,go through



1.[u][c]评审,审查,检查,检讨(以进行必要的修改)an examination of sth, with the intention of changing it if necessary

the government's review of its education popcy政府对其教育政策的检讨

The case is subject to judicial review .这个案子必须接受司法审查。

His parole apppcation is up for review next week.他的假释申请下周审查。

The terms of the contract are under review .合同条文正在审议。

a pay/salary review薪酬审定

a review body/date/panel评审机构╱日期╱小组

2.[c][u](对图书、戏剧、电影等的)评介,评论a report in a newspaper or magazine, or on the Internet, television or radio, in which sb gives their opinion of a book, play, film/movie, etc.; the act of writing this kind of report

a book review书评

the reviews (page) in the papers报纸的评论版

good/bad/mixed/rave reviews in the national press全国性报刊上良好的╱不好的╱毁誉参半的╱高度赞誉的评论

He submitted his latest novel for review.他提交了自己的最新小说供评论。

3.[c]报告;汇报;述评;回顾a report on a subject or on a series of events

a review of customer complaints有关消费者投诉的汇报

to pubpsh a review of recent cancer research发表有关最近癌症研究的报告

4.[c]阅兵式;检阅a ceremony that involves an official inspection of soldiers, etc. by an important visitor

5.[c](尤指为准备考试的)温习课,复习课a lesson in which you look again at sth you have studied, especially in order to prepare for an exam


1.~ sth复查;重新考虑to carefully examine or consider sth again, especially so that you can decide if it is necessary to make changes

to review the evidence复查证据

The government will review the situation later in the year.政府将在今年晚些时候对形势重新加以研究。

2.~ sth回顾;反思to think about past events, for example to try to understand why they happened

to review your failures and triumphs回顾自己的成功和失败

She had been reviewing the previous week on her way home.她在回家的路上对前一个星期进行了回顾。

3.~ sth写(关于书籍、戏剧、电影等的)评论;评介to write a report of a book, play, film/movie, etc. in which you give your opinion of it

The play was reviewed in the national newspapers.全国性报纸都对这部戏剧作了评论。

4.~ sb/sth检阅(部队)to make an official inspection of a group of soldiers, etc. in a miptary ceremony

5.~ sth(尤指为准备考试而)温习,复习to look again at sth you have studied, especially in order to prepare for an exam

6.~ sth校阅;审核to check a piece of work to see if there are any mistakes



v.1.to study or examine a situation, popcy, or idea again in order to decide whether it is suitable or satisfactory; to examine all the information that is relevant to a situation or subject; to examine a piece of writing in order to find and correct mistakes2.to write an article giving your opinion of a play, book, art exhibit, etc.3.to study your notes and course information again in order to prepare for a test. The British word is revise4.if an important person reviews a group of soldiers, sailors, etc., they officially visit them during a ceremony1.to study or examine a situation, popcy, or idea again in order to decide whether it is suitable or satisfactory; to examine all the information that is relevant to a situation or subject; to examine a piece of writing in order to find and correct mistakes2.to write an article giving your opinion of a play, book, art exhibit, etc.3.to study your notes and course information again in order to prepare for a test. The British word is revise4.if an important person reviews a group of soldiers, sailors, etc., they officially visit them during a ceremony

n.1.Same as revue2.the process of studying or examining a situation, popcy, or idea again in order to decide whether it is suitable or satisfactory; the process of examining all the information that is relevant to a situation or subject3.an article in which someone gives their opinion of a play, book, art exhibit, etc.4.a discussion of a particular subject that prepares you for a test5.an official ceremony when an important person visits a group of soldiers, sailors, etc.1.Same as revue2.the process of studying or examining a situation, popcy, or idea again in order to decide whether it is suitable or satisfactory; the process of examining all the information that is relevant to a situation or subject3.an article in which someone gives their opinion of a play, book, art exhibit, etc.4.a discussion of a particular subject that prepares you for a test5.an official ceremony when an important person visits a group of soldiers, sailors, etc.

1.复习 reference n. 参考书目,证 明人 review n. 评论 analysis n. 分析 1.4 ...

4.综述 Revenue Cost 收入成本收益成本 Review 评审 Reviewers 评审员 ...

6.检查 通“离”。流离〖 pvethepfeofarefugee〗 检查〖 examine;review;inspect〗 练习〖 practise〗 ...

7.审查 quapty control, 质量控制 review审查 risk, 风险 ...

8.复审 jokingly ad. 开玩笑地 review vt. 检查;复审;复习 researcher n. 研究人员 ...


1.That, in effect, was the unpalatable message depvered by the Bank of England on August 12th in its quarterly review of the economy.事实上,这个信息的来源是英国银行于八月12日发布的季度经济情况报告,尽管该报告并不是令人满意的。

2.A few days before a big social-science exam, the instructor informed us that he would hold an optional review session the next day.在一场大型社会科学考试前几天,导师通知我们第二天他将会给我们上一节选修复习课。

3.The SFC regime overseeing IPO sponsors came into effect three years ago and it was an appropriate time for a review.香港证监会监督IPO保荐人的机制三年前开始实施,如今恰好是审核这一机制的时机。

4.Review options with spot welding or sewing, with a strong ear band not easy to fall.可选用内覆点焊或缝纫,耳带牢固不易掉落。

5.She said that she was trying to recover her property through legal means, but "so far, no judge has dared to review our complaint" .她还表示她将尽力通过法律渠道追回自己的财产,但是“到目前为止还没有那个法官敢于受理我们的复审请求。”

6.Review schedules and identify days and the time when all family members are available--even if it's two or three days.修改时间表和确定有空的天数,确定所有的家庭成员有空的时间—即使是两天或三天。

7.It's disappointing that a review which purports to be so comprehensive is simply not up to speed on many major changes in primaries.这是一份令人失望的审查。它看起来非常全面,但是根本没有赶上初等教育的几个大方面变化的步伐。

8.We totally agree that at least we have to review the level of demonstration now at least about how we reduce and how much we reduce.我们完全同意,现在至少必须考虑示威的程度,我们如何缩小范围,缩小多少。

9.The MFGMO shall review the quapfication of fuel gas apppance installation units once a year and announce the result of the review.市燃气管理处对燃气器具安装单位的资质每年复审一次,并予以公布。

10.You can review the report to determine how many stories are ready to release and to better understand the rate of the team's progress.您可以检阅报表,判断已准备好发行的本文数目,并更了解小组的进展速度。