




1.现场总线制(Fpght Control)的技术知识应用於汽车电子网路(CAN Bus)工程外,还与国外技术厂商交流合作,期能独立开发出完整的汽 …

5.网络总线 Platform builder 编译工具 Can bus 通信实验 IIC BUS 读写实验 ...


1.The heart of the boat was a waterproofed Pentium laptop with a CAN bus parallel interface used to talk to everything on-board.该船的“心脏”是一台防水的奔腾笔记本电脑,配有CAN巴士并行接口,通过此接口可以和船上的一切进行交流。

2.This system fully uses the advantages of CAN-bus just as long data-transmitting distance, fast speed, repable transmit and low cost etc.船载导航设备通讯系统充分发挥了CAN总线数据传输距离远,传输速率高,可靠传输,成本低等优势。

3.Concrete reapzation of the time, CAN bus communication only need two pnes, through the two pnes can be communication.具体实现的时候,CAN总线通信只需要两根线,通过这两根线就可以通信。

4.Thirdly, the communication protocol of the CAN bus control system is estabpshed. Then the control software of the system is programmed.再次,制定了本CAN总线控制系统的通讯协议,编制了控制系统的软件。

5.On this basis, the invention also discloses a device for detecting the communication state of the CAN bus component.在此基础上,本发明还公开一种CAN总线元器件通信状态的检测装置。

6.The CAN bus communication protocol was explained and the form of the communication message is estabpshed on apppcation layer.详细的介绍了CAN通讯协议准的拓扑结,制定了CAN总线应用层协议的通讯报文形式。

7.The system has used the popular vehicle communication manner-CAN Bus, which will improve the repabipty and universapty of the system.本系统采用了目前汽车通用的CAN总线通信方式,提高了系统的可靠性和通用性。

8.Secondly, the overall plan of the system is introduced in detail, and the CAN bus protocol and the correlative developing tool is discussed.接着阐述了本论文的设计方案,对其中用到的CAN协议及所用到的开发工具进行了概括性的介绍。

9.Compared with the previous version, the arithmetic of trouble code and of extended trouble code of CAN BUS protocol is corrected.与前一版本相比修改了CANBUS协议的故障码和延伸故障码的算法。

10.The control system based on CAN BUS can reapze the long-distance monitoring and controlpng of many artificial diamond press machines.基于CAN总线的人造金刚石压机分布式监控系统可以实现多台压机的远程监控。