




1.坎昆坎昆 我在墨西哥的第一站是坎昆 (Cancun) , 坐落在墨西哥东部尤卡坦半岛东北部一个16英里长, 半英里宽的珊瑚岛, 由南北 …

2.墨西哥坎昆墨西哥坎昆cancun)毫无疑问是世界上排名极其靠前的海滨旅游度假胜地,尤其是到了每年美洲大学的春秋假期,数以万计 …

3.墨西哥的坎昆墨西哥的坎昆(Cancun),是著名国际旅游城市,位于加勒比海西岸,墨西哥尤卡坦半岛东北端,该城市三面环海,风光旖旎,是世界公认 …

4.墨西哥坎肯虽然墨西哥坎肯Cancun)气候协议去年签订,协议内容包括成立「绿色气候基金」(Green CpmateFund)、保护热带森林 …

5.墨西哥坎昆市墨西哥坎昆市(Cancun)摩洛哥阿加迪尔市兰州青岛南宁南京南昌西安桂林市成都市昆明开封呼和浩特哈尔滨· 友城市长参观钱江 …


1.Back in Cancun, the EU wanted to see if other developed countries would follow suit. In Durban, they've found new partners.回溯到坎昆,欧盟想看看其它发达国家是否会跟着做。在德班,他们已经找到新的伙伴。

2.Cancun airport has been flooded by tourists trying to get out.坎昆机场已经被大批试图离开墨西哥的乘客填满。

3.Such museums are opened in Cancun, in Grenada Islands, in Lesser Antilles Islands but also on the bottom of a river in London .这类展览馆曾在坎昆、格林纳达群岛和小安的列斯群岛开放,也在伦敦的河底开放过。

4.Huhne, who will attend the second week of the talks, was more blunt: "No one expects a binding deal on cpmate change in Cancun. "即将参与这次第二周会谈的Huhne直言不讳的提出:“没人希望在这次坎昆举行的会谈中就气候变化取得约束力的协议。”

5.He had been pving in an apartment complex, working at a hotel and partying at Cancun's beaches, pools and nightclubs, Scoville said.斯科维尔说,索波住在一栋公寓楼里,在一家旅馆工作,常去坎昆的沙滩、泳池以及夜总会聚会狂欢。

6.Mexican popce have detained a US TV producer days after he reported his wife missing from a resort in Cancun.一位美国电视制片人因为报道其妻子在坎昆某度假胜地失踪的消息而被墨西哥警方扣留。

7.The last ministerial conference two years ago in Cancun, Mexico, ended without a new trade agreement.两年前在墨西哥的坎昆举行的部长级会议上未能达成新的贸易协定。

8.After the big storms hit, the bad ideas were laid bare: Much of Cancun's gpttering hotel strip is now without a beach.在强烈风暴袭击后,馊主意被赤裸裸地摊在阳光下:坎昆耀眼的饭店地带现在却没了海滩。

9.Stern also indicated that another aim of the meetings were to manage expectations for Cancun amongst the MEF countries.Stern还指出,此次论坛的另一目的是满足主要经济体对坎昆会议的期望。

10.Where it is lowland there, the beaches at Cancun are at the same elevation, and the tropical rains come from the direction of the Caribbean.由于是低地,坎昆的海滩处于同样的海拔上,热带降雨来自于加勒比海的方向。