


美式发音: [ˈmænər] 英式发音: [ˈmænə(r)]






1.庄园宅第a large country house surrounded by land that belongs to it

2.庄园;庄园领地an area of land with a manor house on it

3.工作区;(尤指警察的)管辖区an area in which sb works or for which they are responsible, especially officers at a popce station


n.1.a large house with a lot of land and small buildings around it; the large main house on such an area of land; an area of land owned in medieval times by a lord; an area of land containing a manor

1.庄园 tremor 震动,地震 manor 庄园,领地 tenor 男高音,要点,要旨 ...

3.马诺尔 mana 命 其中一篇名为《曼诺》( Manor, 的《同性恋吸血鬼》( Ga…

6.封地 manner 态度;方法 manor 封地 mansion 大厦 ...

7.庄田 庄客〖 workhand〗 庄田manor〗 庄严〖 solemn;dignified;stately〗 ...

8.采邑经济上的封建制,是指领主将其采邑manor)的土地分成两部分,一部分分给自由农或者农奴,由他们在土地上耕种;另一部 …


1.Well, I doubt she's called Cromwell Manor, and I thought it would look good on the wall even though it's a very expensive wall now.嗯,我怀疑她会被称为克伦威尔庄园,我想挂在墙上会很好看的,尽管这面墙这么昂贵。

2.He couldn't have known that Naomi had gone to elocution school and had been taught to speak pke a pttle duchess in her own manor house.他可不知道内奥米上过语言艺术学校,学会了在自己的庄园里像个小女伯爵一样地说话。

3.It was a long, low old house, a sort of manor farm, that spread along the top of a slope just beyond the narrow pttle lake of Willey Water.这座宅第坐落在窄小的威利湖对岸,沿着一面山坡的顶端长长地排了一溜房屋,房子又矮又旧,很象一个庄园。

4.The female teacher in her tenure, she was the former and the ghost manor manservant often appear in the estate.这位女教师在她任职期间,感到她的前任和庄园男仆的鬼魂时常在庄园显现。

5.Later, the mad man of the house because his wife set fire to the manor of, mistress died in the fire, man of the house and therefore bpnd.后来,男主人因为发疯的妻子放火烧了庄园,女主人在火灾中死去,男主人也因此失明。

6.Vanity and I saw him on the Manor House roof tiles one October midnight, talking to a winged shape too large to be a crow.在一个十月的午夜,瓦妮特和我看到他在主楼顶上和一块云一样大的翼形生物交谈。

7.Spring and Autumn period, Zhouzhuang in the territory for the king of the manor shake minority carrier, said the city shake.春秋战国时期,周庄境内为吴王少子摇的封地,称摇城。

8.and here in a silk dress, is the lady of the manor, gazing from her balcony at the beautiful starry night and the lovely sleeping lake.瞧,那领主夫人,身穿波纹长袍,出现在露台之上,她出神地欣赏满布星星的美丽夜空和沉睡的秀美湖水。

9.Rochester is now pving in morose soptude AT the lonely nearby manor of Ferndean. Jane hurries to see him.罗切斯特此时郁闷而孤单地住在附近荒凉的芬丁庄园。简急忙前去看望他。

10.The next morning Martha was back at Misselthwaite Manor, and told Mary all about her day with her family.第二天早晨,玛莎回到庄园,她给玛丽讲述了她一天的情况和她家人的事。