


美式发音: ['kændidli] 英式发音: ['kændɪdli]





adv.1.in a frank manner, telling the truth

1.率直地 candidature 候选资格 candidly 率直地 candle bomb 照明弹 ...

2.坦白地 ... 20.enshrine: 铭记 21.candidly: 坦白地 24.Crummy 卑贱的,肮脏的 ...

3.坦率地 ( burden 重负) ( Candidly 坦率地;自然的) , ( fulfillment 完成;履行;实现). ...

4.率直坦白地 ... brassy 厚脸皮的) candidly 率直坦白地)" fusilier 火枪手) ...

5.直率地 ... It sounds harsh. 荒芜的,粗糙的,苛刻的,刺耳的 candidly 坦白地,直率地 sneaker 运动鞋,卑鄙者 ...

6.直率坦白地 ... attribute to 归因于 candidly 直率坦白地 curse 咒骂 ...

7.诚实地 1. sensible adj. 合理的;理智的;有判断力的;觉察到的 3. candidly adv. 坦率地;诚实地 4. what with sth. 用以列举各种原 …


1.But we have not at all make up our minds upon it, and we find it a very pleasant exercise to discuss the matter, candidly, before we get up.但是我们已经一点也不在它之上决定,而且我们找它一种非常愉快的练习讨论物质,率直地,在我们起床之前。

2.The president's advisers now candidly admit that she was poorly served by the campaign.如今总统顾问坦言承认米歇尔在大选的时候吃了不少苦。

3."This just allows us to candidly get out from the Monsanto story, " he said.“这使我们可以坦率的脱离孟山都的故事,”他说。

4.These women all talk very candidly and openly about themselves and a surprising amount of each woman's personality is captured on the page.这些妇女谈话全都非常坦率地,并且公开了关于他们自己和一个惊人的数量-每名妇女的个性都呈现在书中。

5.Ocean, and candidly reveal a broad mind; maternal love is the sweet milk, feeding the children, and robust growth.海洋,坦露着宽广的胸怀;母爱是甜蜜的乳汁,哺育着儿女茁壮地成长。

6.She describes her experiences very candidly, never getting caught up in rose-tinted memories.她坦白地描述了自己的经历,而从不陷入玫瑰色的回忆中。

7.Here he candidly admits that as a child and young man he was a conforming member of the slave-holding South.他在这部作品中坦诚地表示,青少年时期他在实行蓄奴制的南方属于顺民。

8.Article marketing will candidly have an affect on your company in the long-term, regardless if you select manual or automated dissemination.文章营销将在坦率的长期影响对你的公司,不管你选择手动或自动传播。

9.Jing said candidly the time before each launch was his tensest moment when he had butterflies in his stomach.荆木春坦言,每一次发射前是他最为紧张的时刻。

10.More importantly in " Being And Time" , the understanding which existed candidly to the human has achieved one kind of determination.更为重要的是在《存在与时间》中,海德格尔对人本真存在的认识达到了一种自觉。