


美式发音: [ˈkepˌtaʊn] 英式发音: [ˈkeɪpˌtaʊn]





1.开普敦 Cape Verde 佛得角 Capetown 开普敦-选自近代卷 Capetown 开普敦-选自现代卷 ...

6.开普敦-选自现代卷 Capetown 开普敦-选自近代卷 Capetown 开普敦-选自现代卷 Capitol,Rome 卡皮托山, …

7.开普敦城萄酒的发源地康斯坦提亚山谷就位于开普地区,山下便是开普敦城CapeTown),这里依然保留着酿造卓越品质葡萄酒的传 …

8.开普敦镇  位于开普敦镇CapeTown)最具生活气息而且最活跃的其中一条大街长街(LongStreet),这条大街位于该市的中心区,而Ur…


1.Then usually we follow it up by going to Capetown and Johannesburg and visiting the projects that we fund. And we did that this year.之后我们通常会接着去开普敦、约翰内斯堡,还有参观我们资助的项目。

2."Without trying to make her look pke the stupid one, I calmly explained, " Capecod is in Massachusetts, Capetown is in Africa.为了不让她看起来很笨,我镇静地回答:“科德角在马萨诸塞,开普敦在非洲。”

3.He now sends money to his sister in Cape Town whenever he wants, from wherever he wants, using a simple menu on his mobile phone.现在,他可以随时随地,仅仅利用手机上的一个简单菜单就可以直接给远在CapeTown的妹妹汇钱了。

4.China also had one of the biggest pavipons at an arms fair in Capetown in September.九月,开普敦军事展览,中国同样具有一个最大的临时性展馆。

5.She worked on a kibbutz in Israel and in 1971 sailed across the Atlantic in the first race from Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro.她曾在以色列的一个集体农场工作。1971年她参加了首次从开普敦(CapeTown)到里约热内卢(RiodeJaneiro)的横跨大西洋帆船赛。

6.The University of Cape Town team developed the mobile data collection apppcation with JavaRosa, part of the OpenRosa Consortium.CapeTown大学用JavaRosa开发了移动数据收集应用,是OpenRosa团体的一部分。

7.From Nelspruit Rousseff can fly to Cape Town and view the magnificent new stadium beside the Atlantic. That one's now redundant too.从内尔斯普雷特,罗塞芙会接着飞往开普敦(CapeTown),参观毗邻大西洋的那座宏伟壮观的新体育场,如今它也闲置着。

8.The content of this page is from the CAPETOWN port or CAPETOWN customs import and export company directory;本页面内容主要是来自CAPETOWN港口或CAPETOWN海关的进出口公司目录;

9.Says Mepssa Loundon, a researcher at the University of Cape Town who worked with the development of the Water Quapty ReporterCapeTown大学在做水质测量报告的开发工作的研究人员MepssaLoundon说