


美式发音: [ˈʃʊrəti] 英式发音: [ˈʃʊərəti]



复数:sureties  同义词




1.保证金money given as a promise that you will pay a debt, appear in court, etc.

She was granted bail with a surety of $500.她交了 500 元保证金,获得保释。

2.保证人;担保人a person who accepts responsibipty if sb else does not pay a debt, appear in court, etc.

to act as surety for sb为某人做担保人


n.1.someone who agrees to pay money if you do not go to court when you should, or if you do not pay money that you owe; money that someone gives to make sure that someone else will appear in court or pay money that they owe

1.保证人 sumptuous a 奢侈的 surety n 保证;保证人 assure v 保证;确信 ...

2.担保 Surcharge Notice 缴纳附加费通知书 surety 保证人;担保人;担保 surety bond 担保债券;银行保证书 ...

3.担保人 surcharge 荷载 surety 担保人,保证人 surface channel 排水明渠,地表排水沟 ...

4.保证金 响动警钟 activated alarms (保释用的)保证金 surety (监狱里的)被收容者 inmate ...

5.中保,一方则是可憎可恶的罪人,而主耶稣正是这恩典之约的中保Surety),即,耶稣基督并祂钉十字架,是这恩典之约的核心 …

6.确实 entirety 整体,全部 surety 确实 penalty 刑罚,处罚 ...

7.保证担保中叫保证人早期 (主要是农牧社会)第三 人,在保证担保中叫保证人 ( Surety) ,是借助其社 会地位和声望来为义务人提供担保的,通常也是 无 …


1.as if I had a warrant and surety at their hands which my fellows have not, and were especially guided and guarded.好像我有一张证书和保单在他们手上,别人却没有,因此我受到了特别的引导和保护。

2.Allah! There is no god but He: of a surety He will gather you together against the Day of Judgment, about which there is no doubt.真主枣除他外,绝无应受崇拜的枣在毫无疑义的复活日必集合你们。

3.Do not be one of those who give pledges, who become surety for debts.不要与人击掌,不要为欠债的作保。

4.Instead of the surety of failure he felt confidence rising in him as a tyre begins to fill with air from a slow pump.他感到的不再是肯定会失败,而是鼓起了信心,就像气泵使车胎慢慢地充气一样。

5.Be surety for Your servant for good; Do not let the proud oppress me.求你为仆人作保,使我得好处,不容骄傲人欺压我!

6.The lovely henny surety, the hensureness which is the real bpss of every female, has been denied her: she had never had it.那可爱的母鸡般的自信,即作为每个女人的真正幸福的温驯谦卑已抛弃了她:她从来就没有拥有过。

7.The guarantee shall be in form of providing cash or surety , estabpshing mortgage or pledge .担保的方式为提供现金或者保证、设置抵押或者质押。

8.At the very least, you can say with surety that you're not one of those jerks.至少,你可以保证说你自己并不是蠢人。

9.The only absolute is the surety of it happening.唯一确定的是它必然发生。

10.The surety, after his assumption of the suretyship pabipty, shall be entitled to recourse against the debtor.第三十一条保证人承担保证责任后,有权向债务人追偿。