


美式发音: 英式发音: 

n.1.a key on a computer keyboard that makes all the keys produce capital letters


1.Switches on the side allow you to choose between keyboard garbage typing, caps lock-toggle, annoying mouse movements or all three.侧面开关允许您选择键盘打字垃圾,瓶盖锁切换,恼人的鼠标移动或三个。

2.My dad only uses the computer to play poker and for some reason whenever I get on after him caps lock is always on, no idea why.我爸用电脑的唯一目的就是打红心大战,不知道为什么,每次我站在他后面观战,总是会发现大小写转换是开着的。

3.Check to see whether the CAPS LOCK key is on, or retype the password to make sure that you didn't mistype it.请查看是否按下了CapsLock,或者重新键入密码,确保没有键入错误。

4.Hit Caps Lock. If you don't want to see the edges of the brush you can switch to precise mode easily by having Caps lock on.如果你不想在用笔刷时看到它的轮廓,按下大写锁就能轻松转将画笔的光标换到精确模式。

5.This example uses the My. Computer. Keyboard. CapsLock property to determine if the computer's CAPS LOCK is turned on.此示例使用My.Computer.Keyboard.CapsLock属性确定计算机的CapsLock是否已打开。

6.Make sure you enter the correct user name and password and that the CAPS LOCK key is not on.确保输入正确的用户名和密码,并且没有按下CapsLock。

7.Incorrect email or password. The passwords are case sensitive. Please check your CAPS lock key.您输入的用户名或密码不正确,请检查大小写键指示灯是否亮起。

8.Incorrect password. Passwords are case sensitive. Please check your CAPS lock key.您输入的密码不正确,请检查大小写键指示灯是否亮起。

9.The fields are case sensitive, so ensure you do not have 'Caps Lock' on.这些内容是比较重要的,因此需要确保您没有锁定“CapsLock”键。

10.Internet users declare this day as the official Caps Lock Day.年的10月22日,互联网用户宣布此日为官方的“大写锁定日”。