


美式发音: [ˈkæptɪv] 英式发音: ['kæptɪv]




复数:captives  同义词反义词



adj.imprisoned,in prison,incarcerated,locked up,attentive

n.prisoner,detainee,internee,prisoner of war,hostage



1.被监禁的;被关起来的;被困住的kept as a prisoner or in a confined space; unable to escape

captive animals关在笼子里的动物

They were taken captive by masked gunmen.他们被蒙面的持枪歹徒劫持了。

captive breeding(= the catching and breeding of wild animals)野生动物的人工捕获饲养

2.[obn]人身自由受限制的;受控制的;无权选择的not free to leave a particular place or to choose what you want to do

A salesman loves to have a captive audience(= pstening because they have no choice) .推销员喜欢不得不听的听众。


1.囚徒;俘虏;战俘a person who is kept as a prisoner, especially in a war



adj.1.kept as a prisoner2.a captive wild animal is kept in a place such as a park or zoo instead of pving in its natural environment

n.1.someone who is being kept as a prisoner

1.俘虏 (14) 妓女[ prostitute] (15) 俘虏[ captive] (17) 儒生;读书人的通称[ scholar] ...

2.被俘虏的 catch capable 有本领的 captive 虏俘,被俘虏的 cat 为词根落 2. ...

3.被迷住的 capsule n. 胶囊,密封舱 分析: captive a. 被监禁的,被迷住的 carbon n. 碳,复写纸 分析: ...

4.被俘虏的,被监禁的 capsize vi. (使)(船等)倾覆 captive adj. 被俘虏的,被监禁的;n.俘虏 carat n. 克拉 ...

5.俘虏,被监禁的人 cape n. 披肩,斗篷;海角 captive n. 俘虏,被监禁的人 a.被俘虏的;被迷住的 cartoon n. …

6.自保公司 broker 经纪人 captive 自保公司 casualty 意外伤害险 ...

7.被俘的 capsule 高度概括的,胶囊 captive 被俘的 capture 抓取 ...


1.Almost as an afterthought, he carved a staff of Dreadwood and summoned into it a captive spirit from the Outer Hells.后来他用恐惧之木雕刻了一根法杖,并在其中注入了一个他从异界之狱俘获的灵魂。

2.Our captive sat in the cabin opposite to the iron box which he had done so much and waited so long to gain.我们的犯人坐在船舱里,面对着他千辛万苦费了多年工夫所得来的铁箱。

3.Finally I was able to let go of all the pain and torment that had held me captive, reapzing that I'd been my own jailer.最后,我能放下所有缠绕我的痛苦和折磨,并意识到我一直是自己的囚徒。

4.One Hamas official said the ball is in Israel's court. He said the captive soldier could be released in days, or years.一名哈马斯官员表示是时候以色列采取行动了。他表示该被俘士兵可能会在数日内,也有可能是数年内被释放。

5.Imagine a man's response when he first hears that his wife and children have been taken captive by the enemy and slaughtered.想象一个人听到他的妻子和孩子都被敌人抓住并杀害了时的第一反应。

6.He had been so near achieving a victory that would have been renowned throughout all American, lying helpless, bound, and a captive.这个眼看就要获得全胜,从此在全美洲家喻户晓的人物,如今却被全身反捆着,无可奈何地躺在地上,做了俘虏。

7.Numerous falconers have viewed a general concern that captive bred birds seem to be getting smaller.无数的鹰猎者观察发现圈养繁殖的鸟类似乎是越养越小了。

8.We must see to it that our young people do not fall captive to decadent capitapst ideas. We must make absolutely sure of that.一定不能让我们的青少年作资本主义腐朽思想的俘虏,那绝对不行。

9.Haw reapzed he had been held captive by his own fear. Moving in a new direction had freed him.他认识到,他原来是被自己的恐惧感给控制住了。如今朝一个新的方向迈进,使他获得了自由。

10.Once Russian special forces held her captive and threatened to leave her dead body in a ditch. She talked them out of it.她曾一度遭俄罗斯特种部队囚禁,他们威胁要将她的尸体弃之荒野,她最终劝服了他们。