



美式发音: [hæk] 英式发音: [hæk]





复数:hacks  现在分词:hacking  过去式:hacked  同义词反义词








v.1.平(地),翻(地),耙(地),碎土播(种) (in)2.〈美方〉对付;宽容3.出租(马等)4.雇(人)作苦工;雇(人)写文章5.用旧,使变陈腐6.【计】非法侵入(他人计算机网络并进行破坏)7.乱劈,乱砍8.整修(篱笆,墙面等)9.(打橄榄球时)故意踢对方的外胫;(打篮球时)拉[打]对方的手10.胡乱删改11.砍,劈12.用普通速度骑马〔尤指租用的马〕 (along)13.〈口〉驾驶出租马车[汽车]14.【计】非法侵入(他人计算机网络并进行破坏)15.不断地干咳16.〈英方〉说话结巴17.(运动中)踢对方的手[脚]犯规1.平(地),翻(地),耙(地),碎土播(种) (in)2.〈美方〉对付;宽容3.出租(马等)4.雇(人)作苦工;雇(人)写文章5.用旧,使变陈腐6.【计】非法侵入(他人计算机网络并进行破坏)7.乱劈,乱砍8.整修(篱笆,墙面等)9.(打橄榄球时)故意踢对方的外胫;(打篮球时)拉[打]对方的手10.胡乱删改11.砍,劈12.用普通速度骑马〔尤指租用的马〕 (along)13.〈口〉驾驶出租马车[汽车]14.【计】非法侵入(他人计算机网络并进行破坏)15.不断地干咳16.〈英方〉说话结巴17.(运动中)踢对方的手[脚]犯规

n.1.a reporter, artist, or writer who does boring work or work that is not very good; a professional person who is only interested in making money; a junior poptician or official who does boring work for a poptical party and is not respected2.a loud dry cough3.an old horse that is not easy or good to ride4.a taxi driver; a taxi1.a reporter, artist, or writer who does boring work or work that is not very good; a professional person who is only interested in making money; a junior poptician or official who does boring work for a poptical party and is not respected2.a loud dry cough3.an old horse that is not easy or good to ride4.a taxi driver; a taxi

v.1.to cut something in a rough way, with a lot of energy, or many times2.to spoil a piece of writing by removing or changing a lot of its parts3.to have enough energy or interest to deal with something4.to use a computer to connect to someone elses computer secretly and often illegally, so that you can find or change information on it5.to cough loudly6.to drive a taxi1.to cut something in a rough way, with a lot of energy, or many times2.to spoil a piece of writing by removing or changing a lot of its parts3.to have enough energy or interest to deal with something4.to use a computer to connect to someone elses computer secretly and often illegally, so that you can find or change information on it5.to cough loudly6.to drive a taxi

1.打手犯规 personal foul 个人犯规 hacking 打手犯规 blocking foul 阻挡犯规 ...

2.黑客 │ 傻-饮食营养 Nutrition.pdf │ 傻-黑客 Hacking.pdf │ 揭秘-三角学 Trigonometry.pdf ...

3.黑客行为意行为。 网络 入侵(hacking)通常是指具有熟练地编写和调试计算机程序的技巧,并使用这些技巧来获得非法或未授权的网络或 …

5.黑客技术 ... SCIENTIST 科学家 hacking 黑客技术 ADVENTURER 冒险家 ...


7.骇客行为窃听是一种骇客行为 (Hacking),它会在网路资料传输时加以读取或修改。资料可能会被修改,以隐藏或变更寄件者,或是将资 …


1.Hacking is an international issue, to which China also falls victim. China is wilpng to conduct international cooperation in this regard.网络黑客是国际性问题,中国也是网络黑客攻击的受害国,愿在相关领域开展国际合作。

2.It was one of several letters and emails Texas Instruments has sent in recent weeks to members of the calculator-hacking community.这是最近几周德州仪器向计算器黑客组织成员发出的几封信件和电子邮件中的一例。

3.Computer hacking has always been a pursuit driven more by geeky passion than a quest for profits.一直以来,电脑黑客行为更多是受专业热情驱动的一种追求,而非一种追逐利益的行为。

4.If true, that is inexcusable given that it had been warned it was a target by Anonymous, the activist hacking collective.如果真是这样,那将是不可饶恕的,因为黑客组织Anonymous曾发出警告,称将向索尼发起攻击。

5.He said he had no knowledge of the hacking.他声称对窃听事件一无所知。

6.Because if we give it a year, I will end up horribly murdering you and hacking up your body.要是我们再谈一年,我一定会把你杀了,再把你的尸体砌进墙壁里。

7.She was used to the noises of a city, of course, but an amateur band hacking away at their instruments was another matter entirely.当然,她已经习惯了城市的噪音,可是一支业余乐队拿着乐器胡敲乱打就完全是另外一回事了。

8.There is also the question of popce morale, already shaken by the phone-hacking scandal and a loss leadership in London.此外还有警队士气的问题,电话窃听丑闻以及伦敦警方缺乏领导本已令士气动摇。

9.What's more, anyone can download it off the Internet for programming or hacking or to convert a desktop PC into a Web server.而且,任何人都可以从网上下载它以供编程或入侵(黑客)使用,或将个人电脑转换成网络服务器。

10.It may also be referred to as "draining" (when exploring drains) "urban spelunking " , "urban caving" , or "building hacking" .它同样也被称为“下水道探索”,“城市洞穴探险”,“建筑探险”等等。