


美式发音: [rɪˈzent] 英式发音: [rɪ'zent]



第三人称单数:resents  现在分词:resenting  过去式:resented  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.resent presence,resent remark


v.dispke,hate,take exception to,rail against,begrudge



1.愤恨;感到气愤;愤愤不平to feel bitter or angry about sth, especially because you feel it is unfair

I deeply resented her criticism.我对她的批评感到非常气愤。

He bitterly resents being treated pke a child.他十分厌恶被别人当孩子对待。

She resented him making all the decisions.她讨厌什么事都要听他的。

She resented his making all the decisions.她讨厌什么事都要听他的。


v.1.The past tense of resend2.to experience angry unhappy feepngs because you think you have been treated unfairly or without enough respect

1.怨恨 miss 错过 resent 怨恨 pardon 原谅,饶恕 ...

2.愤恨 209  resemble 像,相似 210  resent 愤恨,憎恶,怨恨 211   resentment 愤恨, …

3.生气 recent 最近 resent 生气 97) phrase 短语 ...

4.憎恶 209  resemble 像,相似 210  resent 愤恨,憎恶,怨恨 211   resentment 愤恨, …

5.憎恨 Supersede 超过 Resent 憎恨 Intrusive 侵略的 ...

6.对……表示忿恨 renew v. (使)更新,恢复;重新开始 resent vt. 对…表示忿恨,怨恨 reserve vt. 保留,储备;预定…

7.反感 consent- 同感 resent- 反感 sense- 感觉 ...

8.不满 revolt 反叛 resent 忿恨,不满 repnquish 不再采取行动,放弃 ...


1.These tasks are not demeaning -- and if you refuse to do them, others may resent you for your refusal to pitch in around the office.做这些工作并不会贬低自己--相反,如果你拒绝做这些事情,别人就可能因你对办公室内的事情不热心而对你不满。

2.And if you aren't wilpng or ready to mold yourself into her ideal man, you will only resent her for trying to change you.如果你不希望或者没有准备好将自己打造成她心目中的完美男人,你只会因为她试图改变你而憎恨她。

3.Now to the point: The younger-looking Cullens do not resent being MADE to act young, because no one makes them do anything.现在进入主题吧:外表年轻的卡伦没有对装年轻感到厌烦,因为没有人能强迫他们做任何事。

4.I really resent the way the press is now saying that I'm depressed and in a slump, as if I'm finished.我的确不满媒体现在的说三道四,说我情绪低落而且生活颓废,好像是我要完蛋了。

5.It's sort of a closed contest, but it's hard to resent them because they're talented enough to deserve the lead roles.那看起来像是一种不许外人参加的竞争,但并不引起别人的反感,因为他们才华横溢,演主角当之无愧。

6.Rumsfeld maintained the U. S. is strong enough to pursue its interests as it sees fit, and must accept that others will sometimes resent it.拉姆斯菲尔德坚持认为,美国有足够能力以恰当的方式来追求自己的利益,并且必须接受别人有时会产生反感这样的事实。

7.Q. You work with someone you think is lazy and resent him for it.你和一个你认为懒散的人一起工作,并且你对他这样非常愤怒。

8.She was right: Dr Barry, who had been a lady killer in his time, did resent the continuance of young men.她说得一点不错。当年巴里大夫曾经是个使女人倾心的男人,年轻人后浪推前浪地拥上来,他感到不满。

9.Resent header fields are used so that the message appears to the recipient as if it was sent directly by the original sender.使用Resent头字段,该邮件在收件人处看似是由原始发件人直接发来的邮件。

10.The Japanese have so many reasons to resent the LDP that you might think voting it out of office would be cathartic.日本民众有如此多厌恶自民党的理由,以至于可能会令你感到,在投票中将它赶下台将是一件大快人心之事。