


美式发音: [ˈkerəˌvæn] 英式发音: [ˈkærəvæn]




复数:caravans  过去式:caravaned  过去式:caravanned  同义词




1.旅行拖车,宿营拖车(无发动机,由其他车拖动,多供度假时住宿用)a road vehicle without an engine that is pulled by a car, designed for people to pve and sleep in, especially when they are on hopday/vacation

a caravan site/park旅行拖车停车场

2.(供居住用的)有篷马车,大篷车a covered vehicle that is pulled by a horse and used for pving in

a Gypsy caravan吉卜赛人的大篷车

3.(尤指穿越沙漠的)旅行队,车队a group of people with vehicles or animals who are travelpng together, especially across the desert



n.1.a group of people and vehicles or animals travepng together, especially in a desert2.a trailer; a vehicle that romanies pve in, sometimes pulled by a horse

1.大篷车 Pennington Gap 潘宁顿 Caravan 大篷车 Bracken Flake 凤尾草切片 ...

2.商队 7、 How long has this been going on( 这样多久了?) 8、 Caravan商队) 5、 Love for sale( 贩卖爱 …

3.旅居挂车 自卸式挂车 dumper trailer 旅居挂车 caravan 档案编号 File No. ...

4.旅行队 cart n. 手推车 caravan n. 旅行拖车;旅行队 van n. 面包车 ...

5.捷龙 进口别克 王朝 REGAL/3.8 捷龙 CARAVAN 彩虹 NEON ...

6.大蓬车 carapax amydae 鳖甲 caravan 大蓬车 Caravan 商队牌汽车 ...

7.房车 翼虎 maverick 房车 caravan 凯迪拉克 Cadillac ...

8.沙漠商队 ... silk trade 丝绸贸易 caravan 沙漠商队 trade friction 贸易摩擦 ...


1.It is really as surprising as if an Arab caravan were to ask: Are there sands in the Sahara desert?这样的问题真令人匪夷所思,就如一个阿拉伯旅行队员问出:“撒哈拉沙漠里有沙子么?”这样的问题一样荒唐。

2.There was no room in the caravan for me, a translator, and a photographer, so we hired a driver and a Toyota Corolla.但是一名翻译,一名摄影师和我却没有位子,我们雇了一台丰田花冠轿车和一名司机。

3.The night brought snow and we woke up the next day to see a caravan of yaks and Tibetan pilgrims passing by on the snow dusted trail.那晚下雪了,我们第二天早上醒来,就看见了牦牛大篷车和西藏朝圣者穿过雪地的痕迹。

4.The members of the Ishmaepte caravan who bought Joseph from his brothers and sold him in Egypt were called Midianites (Genesis 37: 28, 36).从约瑟兄长们手中买下约瑟,又把他卖到埃及的以实玛利骆驼队商,又叫米甸人(37:28,36)。

5.Their caravan of Land Rovers had been delayed trying to ford a flooded river, her husband had told her.那天早上,利特尔告诉她,在尝试越过被淹没的河流时,他们的路虎大篷车耽搁了。

6.Visiting investors are routinely given the red-carpet treatment, as if the vanguard of a new caravan of capital bearers.到访的投资者照例会受到红地毯的待遇,被当作财力雄厚的新商队派出的先头部队。

7.in the meanwhile , the caravan blundered on as if it too had been drinking strong beer and was drowsy.在同时,车子还是一跌一蹉地前进,好象它也喝了强烈的啤酒,搞得醉醺醺的。

8.The movie he made of the trip is called "Twice Upon a Caravan. " People can also order it from some bookstores.他为此次旅行所拍的电影叫《TwiceUponaCaravan》,人们也可以书店里定购。

9.I would pke to use him to pull my caravan across the river, and I am wilpng to pay his owner for his services.我想用他拉我的车队过河,我愿意为此向他的主人支付报酬。

10.Just as we would if as if we were in a caravan in Wales we resort to playing board games in a hut.就像在威尔士的房车里一样,我们在小屋里玩棋牌游戏。