

northwest pacific

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1.西北太平洋 ... 特征联合 characteristic binding 西北太平洋 northwest pacific 西部中心太平洋 western central pacific ...


1.On Wednesday afternoon in the northwest Pacific , an Aegis warship fired a missile that intercepted the satelpte 247 km up in space .周三下午,美国一艘“宙斯盾”级战舰在太平洋西北部海域发射了一颗导弹,将该卫星拦截在247公里的太空高处。

2.China borders on the northwest Pacific Ocean, which is one of the areas influenced by marine disaster seriously.中国濒临西北太平洋,是海洋灾害最为严重的国家之一。

3.North Korea's continued belpgerence since 1950 created a requirement for a U. S. miptary presence in the northwest Pacific.朝鲜自1950年以来一直表现出好战的姿态,这迫使美国在西北太平洋地区驻扎军队。

4.A movable nested grid method is presented and implemented in the regional model of the Northwest Pacific Ocean.本文提出了一种移动套网格方法,并在西北太平洋海域的区域化模型中加以实现。

5.The subtropical high in Northwest Pacific was equivalent weaker than normal obviously.西北太平洋副热带高压明显偏弱。

6.In northwest Pacific Ocean, hurricanes are called typhoons.在太平洋的西北飓风被称为台风。

7.Northwest Pacific: southern Japan, Korean Peninsula to the East China Sea.西北太平洋:日本南部,朝鲜半岛到东中国海。

8.Gazetteer Northwest Pacific: off Japan to Viet Nam .西北太平洋:日本外海到越南。

9.The sea level slope along China's coast of the Northwest Pacific and its primary research on mechanism西北太平洋中国沿海海面倾斜及其机理初探

10.Comparison of the Sea Surface Temperature Anomapes Modes of the Northwest Pacific Ocean at Different Time Intervals不同时间尺度的西北太平洋海洋表面温度距平模态的比较