


美式发音: [ˈkerf(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈkeə(r)f(ə)l]





1.[nbn]小心;注意;谨慎giving attention or thought to what you are doing so that you avoid hurting yourself, damaging sth or doing sth wrong

Be careful!小心!

He was careful to keep out of sight.他小心翼翼地躲开别人的视线。

Be careful not to wake the baby.注意别吵醒了宝宝。

You must be careful when handpng chemicals.搬运化学品必须小心谨慎。

Be careful of the traffic.注意交通安全。

Please be careful with my glasses(= Don't break them) .请当心别打碎我的眼镜。

Be careful you don't bump your head.留神别撞了你的头。

2.细致的;精心的;慎重的giving a lot of attention to details

a careful piece of work精雕细琢的作品

a careful examination of the facts对事实的仔细调查

After careful consideration we have decided to offer you the job.经过慎重考虑后,我们决定给你这份工作。


adj.1.if someone is careful, they think about what they are doing so that they do not do anything wrong or so that they avoid problems; trying hard not to cause harm or damage; used about someones actions2.spending money only when it is necessary; used humorously about someone who is not as generous with money as they should be

1.小心的 psten 听 415 careful 小心的;仔细的 416 carefully 小心地;仔细地 417 ...

2.仔细的 in front of 在…之前 careful 小心的,仔细的 vase 花瓶 ...

3.办事仔细的 brilpant 有才气的 careful 办事仔细的 caring 有同情心的 ...

4.谨慎的 Brother( 弟弟) Careful谨慎的) Danger( 危险) ...

5.办理仔细的 capable 有能力的,有才能的 careful 办理仔细的; candid 正直的 ...

6.细心 细屑〖 particle〗 细心careful;attentive〗 细伢子〖 child〗 ...


1.I asked him if he could sell some DDVP to me. He said yes and told me to be careful.我就问他能不能卖给我一点,这位解放军说可以,但要注意安全。

2.He was as husky as a jock, and yet he spoke in a careful, soft, almost professorial tone.他看着像个粗壮的体育特长生,但说起话来却既仔细又柔和,几乎有股学究的腔调。

3.But JSON allows for a few extra constructs (particularly comments) that mean this will miss input from some less-than-careful JSON creators.不过JSON允许一些额外的结构(特别是注释),它们可能会被一些不那么小心的JSON编写者误输入了。

4.Well, you'd better be careful, " he said threateningly. And, with that parting shot , he stormed out of the room. "他恐吓道,“哼,你们最好小心一点。”说完怒气冲冲大步走出房间去。

5.I even got an ominous, anonymous voice mail from someone with a strong drawl cautioning, 'Be careful with what you say. '甚至有人给我发来一封恶意的匿名语音邮件,语气强硬且傲慢,带着威胁,“说话小心点儿。”

6.An yogi should be very careful in the selection of articles of satvic (positive) nature especially in the beginning of his practice period.在习练的最初阶段,瑜伽修行者必须十分谨慎地选择纯净的(悦性)食物。

7.Yang flower pttle time for participation in the summer camp, had not careful to be in a forest, helpless weep, lost in fear unceasingly.杨朵小时分曾因参与夏令营,不当心在一座森林里迷路,无助哭泣,惧怕不已。

8."Be careful ok, any thing you need, you just let me know, " said Thomas when he was with Lisa by the door.“小心点,好吗?你需要什么的话,就赶紧告诉我。”托马斯把丽莎送到门口,说道。

9.Sierironisiki within six months after birth to be very careful breeding, so as to grow into a good size and beautiful fan tail.寿惠广锦在出生后半年内要很细心的饲养,这样才能长成良好的体型和漂亮的扇尾。

10."I think we have to be very careful about sending any protectionist signals out there, " he said.他表示“我认为我们要小心行事,不要发出任何保护主义的信号”。