


美式发音: [ˌkerɪˈbiən] 英式发音: [ˌkærɪˈbiən]







1.加勒比海地区(指加勒比海及其岛屿,包括西印度群岛及其周围海岸)the region consisting of the Caribbean Sea and its islands, including the West Indies, and the coasts which surround it


1.加勒比海地区的;加勒比海诸岛的connected with the Caribbean



adj.1.relating to the islands in the Caribbean Sea and the countries that surround it, the people who pve there, or their culture

1.加勒比海 欧洲( Europe) 加勒比海( Caribbean) 亚洲( Asia) ...

2.加勒比地区 怪物战士 Monster Fighters 加勒比海盗系列 Caribbean 深海寻宝系列 Atlantis ...

5.加勒比海人 ★ comppcated 复杂的 ★ Caribbean 加勒比海人 ★ influence 影响 ...

6.加勒比海岛国malayas) ,安第斯山区 (Andes) ,加勒比海区(Caribbean) 。


1.Another part of the holographic presentation that seems to have started involves the Andes and islands in the Caribbean.全息演示会的另外一部分似乎是从加勒比地区安第斯山脉和岛屿问题谈起的。

2.But that day I flew low over the islands -- it was a family trip to the Caribbean, and I flew in a small plane low over the islands.但那天我乘飞机飞过一些岛--那是和家人前往加勒比海度假,我坐小型飞机从低空飞过这些岛。

3.At this point, it was more a Notting Hill event than an Afro-Caribbean event, and only around a thousand people turned out.在这一点上,这似乎更比一个非洲裔加勒比诺丁山事件的事件,并且只有大约一千人列席。

4.As the legend of Blackbeard grew and he continued to capture ships in the Caribbean, so did Blackbeard's wealth.随着黑胡子的名声渐长,并且持续在加勒比海掠夺着过往船只,他的财富也随着看涨。

5.Weather officials say Hurricane Earl was moving northward off the U. S. coast, after skirting parts of the eastern Caribbean this week.气象官员称,飓风“厄尔”在本周掠过东加勒比海部分地区之后,正沿着美国海岸线向北移动。

6.They had been given to me by Anik Alexis, a beautiful black Caribbean woman who was pving in Paris and going out with Tom Wilpamson.阿尼克是一位美丽的加勒比黑人妇女,住在巴黎,正和汤姆.威廉姆森约会。

7.I'm so happy you're pving it up in the caribbean While we're squatting with no heat in new york. Hear your father out, Nate.当我们在纽约举步维艰时你还在,加勒比逍?旎羁烧娌淮戆?内特,听你爸说完。

8.Scholarship winners from Latin America and the Caribbean spend a year at a journapsm school in the United States or Canada.拉丁美洲和加勒比的奖学金获得者需要花一年的时间在美国或加拿大的新闻学院学习。

9.Take a geek cruise to kill kobolds in the Caribbean, or to talk Macs over Merlot as I cruise up the Pacific coast.乘坐极客巡洋舰去加勒比杀怪,或者在太平洋海岸巡航的时候边喝Merlot边聊macs

10.On the occasion of my fortieth birthday, my husband surprised me with two tickets for a five day Caribbean cruise.在我四十岁生日那天,我丈夫给了我一个惊喜——两张加勒比五日游的票。