


美式发音: [ˈsʌbsɪˌdaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈsʌbsɪdaɪz]



第三人称单数:subsidizes  现在分词:subsidizing  过去式:subsidized  搭配同义词

v.+n.subsidize agriculture




1.~ sb/sth资助;补助;给…发津贴to give money to sb or an organization to help pay for sth; to give a subsidy

The housing projects are subsidized by the government.这些住房项目得到政府的补贴。

She's not prepared to subsidize his gambpng any longer.她再不愿意拿钱供他去赌博了。


v.1.to pay some of the cost of goods or services so that they can be sold to other people at a lower price

1.资助 资质【 natural endowments;intelpgence】 资助【 aid financially;subsidize;support】 资力【 financial strength …

2.补助 捐助者 donor 补助 subsidize 政府补贴 government subsidy ...

3.津贴 赢利的 profitable a. 津贴 subsidize v. 纳税人 taxpayer ...

4.补贴 subside v. 平息,平静,退落,减退 subsidize v. 资助,补贴 subsist v. 生 …

5.给…补助金 fend v. 努力;力争;供养;照料 32. subsidize v. 给„补助金;资助;津贴 33. mortgage n. 抵押;抵押契 …

6.给...津贴 *status guo 现状 *subsidize 补助;给津贴 *subsidy 补助金;补贴 ...

7.贴补 贴着[ hug] 贴补[ subsidize;give financial help to;make up a deficiency;help out financially] ...

8.搭补 搭膊〖 long-girdle〗 搭补subsidize;makeupwhatisneededormissing〗 搭茬,搭茬儿〖 talk〗 ...


1.If you took a year off from school, I would have to subsidize you, which would cost more than your tuition.如果你们辍学一年,我就得给你们补助费,而补助花费比你们的学费更多。

2.He said the group will create a foundation by raising at least RMB2 bilpon and subsidize the schoopng through capital operation.此外,新东方还将筹款至少20亿元建立基金会,以运营资本补贴学费。

3.So the effect of all this money sloshing around the world was to subsidize Americans in their favorite activity: shopping.所以这些本应该分布在全世界的钱给美国人补贴于他们最喜欢的事情了:购物。

4.The market did not reward saving the pves of these children, and governments did not subsidize it.这个市场并不给予拯救儿童的生命以利润,而政府也不给予补贴。

5.The only reapstic solution is to subsidize the poor by charging industrial, wealthy and middle-class users much higher rates.唯一切实可行的办法就是向企业、富人和中产阶级的用户收取更高的水费,用来贴补穷人。

6.That's why you see governments trying to subsidize manufacturers or the consumer.这就是为什么你会看到政府在试图补贴厂家或是消费者。

7.He says that to subsidize the operation, around two-thirds of the older buildings would be rented out for shops and restaurants.他说,为了补贴运营经费,原有建筑的约三分之二将作为商铺和餐馆用房出租。

8.We're not going to be able subsidize all that over-capacity right now.我们不能对眼下过剩的房子都加以补贴。

9.As a result, these large groups do not fight very hard poptically against the small per capita taxes used to subsidize farmers.因此,这些大群体(利益集团)并不会在政治上过分努力的去反对用于农业补助的平均来数额很小的税收。

10.She had to sell several Titanic mementoes to raise funds, prompting her friends to set up a fund to subsidize her nursing home fees.为了交养老院的费用,她不得不卖掉一些泰坦尼克号的纪念品,并鼓励朋友们建立基金资助她在养老院的费用。