




1.拜访朋友 have lunch 吃午饭 29, see a friend 拜访朋友 30, call home 打电话给家里 介词和形容词副词搭配 1. ...

2.见一个朋友 show sb.sth. 给某人看某物 see a friend 见一个朋友 go swimming 去游泳 ...

3.看望朋友 ... miss one's friend 想念朋友 see a friend 看望朋友 sell one's friend 出卖朋友 ...

4.看朋友 ... boil water 煮开水 see a friend 看朋友 (有「见面」的意思。) read newspaper 看报纸 (有「注意文字内容」的意 …

5.见朋友 ... 6 read the newpaper 读报纸 7 see a friend 见朋友 8 send a postcard 发送一张明信片 ...

6.来见一见我的朋友 ... 1. meet new friends 见一个朋友 1. see a friend 来见一见我的朋友 1. Come and meet my friends 来见我的朋友 ...


1.In fact, you might combine the two and go on a short trip to see a friend, or to ask one to come along with you on a quick trip.事实上,你可能结合了上述两种是短期停留,去看望一个朋友,或要求一来与你一起在短途旅行。

2.I'm afraid I've got to go now. I've got to see a friend of mine. Bye!恐怕我现在得走了。我得去看我的一位朋友。再见!

3.Watch your child play a sport, or take him or her to see a friend's game.观看孩子做体育活动,或带他(她)看朋友的比赛。

4.See a friend at least twice a month for conversation and to maintain the supportive and caring relationship.每月至少两次去看看朋友,聊聊天,维系友谊,互相支持、互相关心。

5.I will drive up to London to see a friend of mine.我将开车去伦敦,看我的一个朋友。

6.Being just want to see a friend of this word nothing refining etc, can see god Dan breakthrough.贫道只是想看看无为道友炼制的这等神丹,看看能不能寻求突破。

7.If you see a friend without a smile; give him one of yours.若你的朋友欠缺笑容,給他一個。

8.If they want to see a friend, or meet a business colleague, they telephone first to make an appointment.如果英美人要约见朋友或商业伙伴,他们会先打电话约定见面时间。

9.I'm afraid I can't, I'm sorry, but I have to see a friend.我恐怕不能去了,对不起,但是我不得不看望我的朋友。

10.going to see a friend in the hospital.我要到医院去看朋友。